Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 117: Downright fool

Xia Weibao was stunned, there is such a brazen person in this world!

Poor Hua Shan, probably still kept in the dark.

Glancing at the two salted fishes entangled together, Xia Weibao walked out calmly.

When she found Hua Shan, she seemed to be about to leave.

Xia Weibao crossed her long leg, "Follow me, please watch a good show."

Lu Huashan looked cold, "Get out of the way."

"It's a good show of your brother Yi, sure not to watch it?"

Xia Weibao seemed to smile but not.

She searched for the information of Lu Huashan, started from the dragon, and climbed up step by step on her own.

The acting skills are good, but unfortunately without face and figure, it is not easy.

Seeing that she was pitiful, she gave her a hand, but she didn't expect to be unkind.

Lu Huashan was frustrated, and wanted to separate her and Brother Yi again!

Just trying to push Xia Weibao away.

But not wanting, Xia Weibao touched her with both hands, and she couldn't move.


The four hundred jin weight was carried by Xia Weibao's slender arm.

Fortunately, it's lunch break, and there are no people, otherwise a rabbit will carry a pig without scaring people to death!

Silently came to the utility room, Xia Weibao put Lu Huashan next to the gap.

On the opposite side, Li Yi and Ruan Jiajia had already had a battle and had a rest.

I saw Ruan Jiajia snuggling in Li Yi's arms.

Fingers circled his chest, "Yi, when will you marry Hua Shan?"

"Quickly, she is now devastated to me, but her family will not be able to pass the test. Don't worry, as long as I get married, I have a way!"

"Yi, you can't touch her."

"It's natural, that fat lady looks disgusting, how could I sleep with her, but use her."

"Hehe." Ruan Jiajia smiled, "It's really pitiful. I can only play a useless fat woman. Li Qingguo's last glory is all mine."

"Don't talk about her, disgusting, there is still half an hour, come, let's have another one."

"Um... good or bad... ah..."

Lu Huashan was struck by lightning.

I can't believe that her brother Yi actually treated her like this.

It turned out that what my brother said was correct.

Yang Li's scolding was also right.

She is a complete fool!

Li Yi!

You fooled me so hard!

How much I loved Li Yi once, how much I hate now!

She wanted to rush up to slap those two bitches.

She can't wait to kill those two bitches!

However, she could not move.

Can't speak.

Constantly winking at Xia Weibao next to him, however, the woman only paid attention to the video and ignored her.

Lu Huashan is almost mad!

After Xia Weibao finished the recording, she did not help Lu Huashan relieve her acupoint, but carried her away.

When he came to no one, he let him go.

Lu Huashan is angrily about to run back to find someone to settle the account!

"Where to go."

"Find someone to settle the account." Lu Huashan rolled up her sleeves as she walked.

Damn, deceived my old mother's feelings, and made my old mother almost turn his face with my old brother, and he couldn't swallow his incontinence without beating!

Xia Weibao gave her a sideways look. Are people so impulsive now? They use violence at every turn.

That's not good. Be a civilized person.

I was thinking about it, but found that Lu Huashan sat down on the ground and cried.

Xia Weibao panicked all of a sudden, don't cry.

She most saw a girl crying.

Every girl is an angel and should be loved.

"Am I very useless."

Lu Huashan wanted to hug her knees and cry, but found that...

I'm too fat to bend my legs...

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