Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 118: Use life to lose weight

Seeing her sitting on the ground and rolling around like a child, Xia Weibao felt amused.

But when she was so sad, she was embarrassed to smile.

So stood still.

Lu Huashan cried, her voice choked.

She feels so stupid.

Everyone can see clearly, only she is mentally retarded and actually wants to marry Li Yi.

"Do you think that I am so ugly that I am so ugly and hope that Li Yi will really fall in love with me?

I know that everyone looks down on me and laughs behind me, saying that I want to eat swan meat because of toads. "

Xia Weibao wanted to say, yes, it is indeed a little self-defeating...

However, seeing Lu Huashan so sad, of course she would not say these words.

"You can't be blamed for this, Li Yi had premeditated."

Lu Huashan sniffed, "What did I do wrong? Why did God treat me like this? I obviously have such a good family background. I can be very beautiful. I can clearly make all women envy me, but why..."

At this point, she seemed to be too excited, and her anger was a little unhappy.

Wiped a few tears, then turned to look at Xia Weibao, "You know what, I'm jealous of you, very jealous and jealous, I'm jealous of all beautiful women.

But I can't even show jealousy, my mother will feel guilty, my brother will be sad...

I don't even dare to return home now. Seeing my brother's face makes me feel so uncomfortable.

Obviously they are brothers and sisters, why is there such a big difference.

I hate..."

The tears are missing the embankment.

She really hates it.

Xia Weibao didn't worry about Huashan's affairs at first, but occasionally ran into him, cleaning up the scumbag for the people and saving her sister.

But now that she is so sad, she suddenly feels unbearable.

Damn, this palace is obviously a daughter, why is there a heart that a man loves his sister!

"You can lose weight."

"I can't reduce it. I can't do anything. I haven't eaten a grain of rice in the past six months and an apple for two days. I have been fainted several times in the hospital, but I can't reduce it.

My brother searched all over the world for me and couldn't cure my disease. What can I do? "

Xia Weibao's eyes widened, "Half...have not eaten a grain of rice for half a year? Then what are you eating."

"Apple, some people say that Apple can lose weight."

Oh my God!

If you don’t eat for half a year and only eat apples, is this still human?

She suddenly raised her hand and said, "Respect you are a man!"

How ruthless is this to be so heavy on yourself!

"Does your family care about you."

"I won't let them control. My brother forced me to eat, so I cut my wrist and threatened."

Xia Weibao's eyes twitched fiercely, cruel enough!

This is using life to lose weight.

"What's wrong with you?"

When it comes to this, Lu Huashan is even more sad.

"Hormone, when my mother was pregnant with me, the hormone was beaten by the junior third and passed on to me, so I was born like this.

Maybe you feel ashamed of me, so my mom and my brother love me very much.

Especially my brother, he was broken for my mother and me.

But I'm still so naive, for Li Yi to turn his face with him...

I'm so uncomfortable, I'm sorry for my brother..."

Xia Weibao felt so pathetic.

But hormones?

What is it? Yang Li also said that one of his friends was obese because of hormones.

Take out the phone, Baidu gave it a bit.

The explanation is very good, just like the heavenly book, I don't understand what hormones are.


Xia Weibao's eyes were bright and she was very interested in intractable diseases.

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