Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1205: March into Hollywood 3

If she started to enter Hollywood, she would be the heroine, how high the starting point is, it goes without saying!

"Sister Xia Shi, Sister Xia Shi?"

"Well, did you call me."

Xia Weibao called twice before Xia Shi came back to her senses.

"Sister Xia Shi, what do you think."

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect that I would receive this script. Please take a look."

Xia Shi said, and handed over the script of "The Game in the Game", "This is a play directed by Zhai En, you should have heard of Director Zhai En, the major Hollywood director, his play is guaranteed, you Take a look first."

Xia Weibao took it and scanned it briefly.

"In the Bureau" is about a female Chinese agent who sneaked into the Western Intelligence Agency to steal intelligence, but had feelings with the intelligence bureau chief, and even blurred her beliefs for love.

But inadvertently discovered that the male protagonist had known her identity and deliberately used her feelings to steal information. The female protagonist revealed the information and was convicted of treason.

During the arrest, she escaped, found the man again, broke with the male lead with a hatred, and fought life and death.

Only then did the male lead discover that he had already fallen in love with the female lead, so he imprisoned her in his residence.

One is to protect her from being caught and executed, and the other is to keep her by her side.

In the end, the outcome was reversed. It turned out that everything was a conspiracy of the heroine. It was false to be used by the hero to counter steal information, and the crime of treason was false. It was all set by her to complete the task.

Love in love, in the game.

In the end, the heroine won the rights, but lost love.

There are many plays, Hollywood special effects cattle, this kind of play is the most exciting.

Xia Weibao's eyes lit up. Zhai En is really a very talented director. The script was written very well.

The key is to be able to fight!

"Sister Xia Shi, did we receive a casting invitation."

In fact, she has some doubts. Generally, the casting is not a notice. However, when the interview is passed, the script will be given after the contract is signed.

Why did you send the script directly?

And this is not part of the script, it's all!

Zhai En is too big-hearted, isn't he afraid of the script foreign affairs?

Xia Shi was expressionless, "It's not an interview notice. Director Zhai En is satisfied with your appearance and has seen your play. Knowing that you have a martial arts foundation, he is very optimistic about you and has already appointed you as the heroine."



Xia Weibao and Leng Yan were shocked at the same time, and directly appointed the heroine?

Damn it!

Really lucky this time!

Xia Shi nodded, "Yes, he personally named you as the heroine, and the script was sent over for you to consider.

I think this is an opportunity. If you take this movie, you can go abroad directly.

Yan Weiyang has been in Hollywood for a year and only ran a few tricks. This is called the Oriental Pearl. If you can successfully star in the Hollywood heroine, you will be the true Oriental Pearl.

Can't answer? "

"Pick up, why not pick up."

Xia Weibao said.

Her reputation in China is already high enough. She originally planned to go abroad slowly this year, but she did not expect to fall into the sky and smash her in the head!

The play "The Game in the Game" simply put her on the through train to Hollywood, okay?

"Okay, then I won't answer the announcement for you. I will concentrate on filming this show."

Leng Yan almost knelt down and called Xia Weibao's father!

Overwhelmed by the right treasure, now his company, house, car and goddess are all back!

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