Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1206: Leng Yan's Goddess

"Oh oh, Xia Weibao, you are really my lucky star!"

Leng Yan rushed over and hugged Xia Weibao.

The Queen Mother slapped him open with a backhand, "Get away!"

Damn, I dare to take advantage of this palace, and I'm living impatiently, right?

"Why are you so rude, be careful not to get married!" Leng Yan was angry!

Xia Weibao smiled extremely coldly, "Should I call my husband over to show you."

Leng Yan wilted in an instant.

Well, she is already married.

Xia Shi was a little speechless, "Boss, what are you so excited about."

Leng Yan rushed to Xia Shi. He felt that Xia Shi was still good at talking, and Xia Weibao was too violent.

"Little poetry, let me tell you, I'm overwhelming, this year's performance will definitely be in the top three in the industry, I can go home haha, I want to go home to see my goddess hahaha, I will definitely invite you two when we get married. Yes, remember to pack a big red envelope, or I will drive you out."

Xia Weibao and Xia Shi looked at each other and looked at Xu Jiayang together.

I saw that Xu Jiayang's hand flipping through the document paused and then continued, not participating in this topic.

Xia Weibao suddenly asked, "Boss, who is your goddess?"

Ever since she came across, she has been listening to Leng Yan talking about the goddess, but she has never seen it once.

Leng Yan smiled very much, "It's a woman."

Xia Weibao, "..."

There is a sentence that may affect the image, I don't know when to say it improperly.

Forget it, I can't help it, everyone just didn't hear it.

Damn, mentally retarded!

The goddess is not a woman, but it can be a man!

Leng Yan came to the side and rejoiced, Xia Weibao sneaked up to Xia Shi, "Sister Xia Shi, who is Leng Yan's goddess?"

Xia Shi shook his head, "I'm not very clear, it seems to be his first love, I heard that it is the illegitimate daughter of a big boss."

Xia Shi glanced at Leng Yan, who was sweetly texting, and shook his head, "Men in love are all fools."

Xia Weibao nodded, isn't it? Leng Yan is already stupid enough, and the expression of texting with the goddess looks even silly.

Give the script to Xia Weibao and let her study it, and Xia Shi went to contact director Zhai En.

The contract negotiation is more complicated, and the other casting roles of "Game in Game" have not been decided yet, so this time the contract has not been negotiated in a short time.

However, while Xia Shi was talking about the contract, the fact that Xia Weibao had been internally scheduled to be the heroine of the "game in the game" suddenly came to light.

This incident caused an uproar on the Internet.

——Damn! Really or not, "The Game in the Game" is a script written by director Zhai En, who actually chose Xia Weibao as the heroine. It's amazing!

——Oh my God, the baby is so amazing. No one in China Entertainment Industry can be a Hollywood heroine, right? Fuck the first person!

——This is the real red to go abroad, the real Pearl of the East, Yan Weiyang's kind of running-and-dark trick is a fart!

——Why do I think this matter is so unreliable? Didn’t it mean that casting has not started yet? Why did it suddenly come out that the heroine has been appointed?

——Yes, who actually said the news? There was no response from the "Game in Game" side...

Suddenly, opinions were divided.

Some people say that Xia Weibao's agent is indeed contacting the hostess of "Games in the Game". Now, the credibility is even higher.

On the same day, the news of Xia Weibao's entry into Hollywood quickly grabbed the headlines of major entertainment and ranked first in the hot search!

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