Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1221: eye for eye!

At this moment, public opinion reversed instantly!

Before the public opinion was guided by Qiao Yuchu, all of them were scolding Xia Weibao for directing and acting, enthusiastic, and hyped.

As soon as the official Weibo appeared, it was instantly reversed!

The gems, who have been suppressed all the time, raised their eyebrows, took out 120,000 points of fighting spirit, and scolded them back!

How strong is the fighting power of the gems. When there were only hundreds of thousands of fans, the big V who was able to face tens of millions of fans was just facing, and even the navy could tremble with scolding.

Now Xia Weibao's fans have risen to more than 40 million!

Where is Qiao Yuchu able to suppress.

Suddenly, the wind reversed, and Qiao Yuchu was scolded bloody!

——I rely on the official news of "Game in Game" to come out! My treasure is invincible in the world hahaha

——Who, who said that my baby is self-directed and acted before, and who is the hype, come out, talk, why don’t you even dare to fart?

——Haha, who is self-directed and acted? What a **** face, a cousin who has been a supporting role in foreign countries for a few years, dares to compare with my baby, dare to frame my baby, does his face hurt? If it hurts, just ask if your face hurts!

——Bah, does this kind of person have a face? Open your eyes and talk nonsense. You don’t have to think about publishing news. The official face will ask you if you dare to see people...

There are so many comments like this, and Xia Shi just quit Weibo after browsing at will.

She was used to these things a long time ago.

Seeing her in a better mood, Zhai En was sincerely happy, "Satisfied now?"

Xia Shiwei raised the corner of her mouth again, "You slap Qiao Yuchu like this, are you afraid of her getting angry? Director Zhai, do you want to go back to coax your girlfriend?"

"I'm coaxing." Zhai En said lightly.

Xia Shi was choked and didn't want to talk anymore.

"Shishi, you know that Qiao Yuchu and I are not in that kind of relationship, why do you always say she is my girlfriend?"

There was a cruel look in Zhai En's eyes.

That woman, who ruined his woman, killed his child, how could it be his girlfriend!

One day, blood debt, blood pay!

"I don't know." Xia Shi's face turned cold.

"Did she tell you something."


"Shishi, I think we need to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you." Xia Shi stood up suddenly, "I'm leaving now."

Zhai En stood up abruptly and took her hand, "Shishi, have you misunderstood something? I have nothing to do with Qiao Yuchu."

Xia Shi suddenly laughed sarcastically, then gritted her teeth, "It doesn't matter that she will pour sulphuric acid for you? She destroyed not only my face, but also my child.

That's your child too!

He was only two months old and didn't even know if he was a man or a woman, so he died like this!

If you and Qiao Yuchu are really okay, will you let your children's hatred not be reported? Will Qiao Yuchu live well?

Zhai En, if you really have nothing to do with Qiao Yuchu, then go kill her now and avenge us and our children! "

The more I spoke, the more excited I was, and tears fell in the last two lines.

That was her first child. She didn't even know that she was pregnant, so it was gone.

Zhai En's face was almost white to transparent, and his heart was trembling constantly, "I'm sorry, I didn't protect your mother and son."

"What I want is not sorry, I want revenge, revenge for my children!" Xia Shi cried sharply, her voice stern.

Zhai En suddenly hugged her, tightly hugging her, "You give me some more time and wait for me to arrange it."

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