Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1222: Niang Niang angry scumbag 1

"Go away!"

Xia Shi slammed the person away.

The tears in his eyes were filled with anger.

She suddenly turned around and ran away by grabbing the door.

In the cafe, everyone looked at each other. They didn't understand what happened. The couple quarreled?

She ran out without wearing a mask. When the pedestrians saw her face, they all pointed.

It was ugly at first, but now the tearful appearance is even more impressive.

Xia Shi didn't care, anyway, her face was ruined, and no one knew who she was.

Zhai En followed behind her, knowing that she was sad at this moment, and did not dare to bother.

Only dared to follow silently.

Very strange scene.

This scene is like a couple quarreling.

However, the woman in front is more terrifying than the dominatrix, while the man behind is handsome.

No matter how you look at it, you can't connect these two people together.

Handsome guys and beasts.

Xia Shi was walking sorrowfully, when she suddenly heard the voice of a woman accosting behind her.

"Handsome guy, what's so good about that ugly monster? This is my contact method...ah!"

Before the beauty had finished speaking, Zhai En fell to the ground with one hand.

Xia Shi's body became stiff, and she continued to move forward.

Zhai En chased after him, "Shishi, I don't know her, I started talking on the road."

He looked worried, for fear of her misunderstanding.

Xia Shi did not speak, and continued to move forward, but her heart was bleeding at that moment.

Yeah, she has become an ugly monster.

And he is still dazzling, even when walking on the road, there are countless people flying moths to the fire.

They are no longer people in the same world.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Zhai En became even more anxious. He really didn't know that woman. It was not his fault that he was too handsome!

Xia Shi was walking when the phone rang, it was Xia Weibao's call.

She took a deep breath and coughed a few times in her throat to make her voice sound normal.

"Sister Xia Shi, where are you? Why don't you return to the company."

On the phone, Xia Weibao's brisk voice came, and Xia Shi's originally suffering mood improved inexplicably.

Before she knew it, she had already regarded Xia Weibao as her younger sister.

"I have something to deal with. I'm on the way back. Is there something to do."

"Oh, nothing, I've seen the official Weibo of "Games in the Game", Sister Xia Shi, did you seek director Zhai En to fight for it."

"Yes, I'll go back to the company right away, and I'll talk about it when it comes."

"I'll send you back." Knowing that she was leaving, Zhai En didn't dare to stay.

She is clearly in a bad mood now.

Xia Shi didn't speak, and it was useless for her to refuse what he insisted on.

People who didn't want the grand plan to know the relationship between her and Zhai En, so she got out of the car near the company.

I took out the mirror and looked at my eyes. They were a little red and swollen, and I knew they had just cried.

Xia Shi didn't go up immediately, but put on the mouth cover, and then went around.

She did not return to the company until her eyes had returned to normal.

Leng Yan in Xia Weibao’s lounge was troublesome, so he had not been decorated. Every time he came, he went straight to the president’s office, which was equivalent to four people.

When Xia Shi arrived, she saw Xia Weibao and Leng Yan's heads coming together, muttering that they didn't know what they were talking about, and occasionally laughed.

Xu Jiayang sat behind the desk, holding the mouse in his hand, and kept clicking on the computer.

Xia Shi shook her head. She didn't even know whether this company was Xu Jiayang's or Leng Yan's.

Every time Xu Jiayang was dealing with official duties and Leng Yan was playing.

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