Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1271: Don't recognize her if you don't want her to die

Yan Lingyi put down the tea cup, her eyes kept secret, "Forty years, so long, Dean He has served the country for most of his life, and even his granddaughter was taken away by criminals. He can't shake Dean He's justice and loyalty.

This is really admirable. It would be nice if there were more people in the country who were just like Dean He. "

He Zhixin waved his hand, "Ms. Ling Yi is ridiculously complimented. I am just doing my part. I shouldn't be praised. I wonder why Mrs. Ling Yi is looking for me?"

"I'm here today, just want to ask, back then, your granddaughter almost died Huangquan, it was not enough to shake Dean He's principle, what is the reason that can make you use my daughter's paternity test report?"

When he said this, Yan Lingyi's voice was a little angry.

He Zhixin's pupils shrank, but he quickly recovered as usual, "You all know."

"Yes." Yan Lingyi suddenly became excited, "President He, if my Yan family offends you, you can come at me, why do you want to use such tricks, why do you let my mother and daughter not recognize each other!"

He Zhixin didn't change his face, and he didn't see any guilty conscience in the face of such severe accusations.

"I have no enemies with the Yan family."

"Then why are you doing this!"

Yan Lingyi wanted to control her emotions, but couldn't.

Because of the appraisal report that time, how many things went wrong.

She made mistakes again and again, how will she face Xia Weibao in the future!

The original sample was sent to He Zhixin by Yan Fei himself, and He Zhixin did the identification.

Except him, she couldn't think of anyone else!

I didn't expect that the president of a military hospital, who has always represented authority and justice, would actually do this kind of thing!

"Entrusted by others."

"Who entrusted it!"

Even his most beloved granddaughter can't shake him, and who is so capable that can make him violate the principle!

"I do not know."

The expression on Yan Lingyi's face was somewhat ironic, "Don't you know?"

When she is a fool!

He Zhixin suddenly became serious and looked directly at Yan Lingyi's eyes, "I really don't know, and I can't say.

Madam Lingyi, He Mou respects you and gives you a piece of advice not to recognize Xia Weibao. "

"What do you mean?"

Don't recognize each other?

how is this possible!

That is her daughter, the daughter she owes so much that she can't pay off for a lifetime!

How can I not recognize each other.

"I'm serious. If you don't want her to die, don't let anyone know that she is your daughter."

Yan Lingyi's expression changed, "What do you mean?"

"Mrs. Lingyi, you are a smart person. Do you still need me to find out? Changing the blood samples of Xia Weibao and Yan Weiyang for identification is not aimed at your Yan family.

Yan Weiyang has died for Xia Weibao.

If you care about her, you don't know anything, Yan Weiyang is still your daughter, and Xia Weibao is just an orphan. "

Yan Lingyi's face turned pale, and her eyes suddenly burst into endless coldness, "Who wants my daughter's life!"

Who on earth is targeting the Yan family!

She and Yan Fei searched for so long, and there was no clue.

"I have already said that if you know, it's useless for you to ask about other things. In short, Xia Weibao is your daughter's business, and you must never show it!"

"I will protect the baby." The birth daughter is right in front of her, so she can not recognize each other.

"You can't protect it, and Yan Weiyang's death cannot be prevented. Why do you think that Xia Weibao can be protected?

Put it all in this, think about it before making a decision. "

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