Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1272: Baby, i'm mom

Yan Lingyi's body trembled fiercely and suddenly panicked.

"President He, who instructed you to exchange the identities of Weiyang and Weibao."

"No comment, I know that you and your Excellency the President are on the death of Cha Weiyang. No need to check it. I can't find it."

After coming out of the hospital, Yan Lingyi did not return to Yan's house, but went to the hospital.

In the ward, Lu Hualiang still stayed by the bed.

Standing outside the window, Yan Lingyi didn't have the courage to go in.

Looking at Xia Weibao who was pale on the hospital bed, she couldn't return to her senses for a long time.

Yeah, she can't protect it.

There is a big hand behind it that controls everything, and she knows nothing.

Had it not been for Xia Weibao to say that Yan Weiyang was poisoned, she could not even find out the cause of death, and only thought it was suicide.

This method is impossible to prevent.

She thought that she was already strong enough to support the Yan family.

But she didn't want to. In the end, she couldn't even protect her daughter.

The position of the heart is tightly screwed together and it is uncomfortable.

Lips trembled slightly due to emotional depression, raised his hands, trying to touch Xia Weibao's face, but they could only grasp the air of nothingness.

My daughter was in front of her, but she couldn't touch it.

"Baby, I am a mother."

Silent words can only be said in the heart.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Lingyi held back the tears from the corners of her eyes and turned to leave.

As long as she can do well, she can, don't bother.

In the ward, Lu Hualiang frowned slightly.

Did not look back.

He knew Yan Lingyi was here, and he knew she was gone.

Some things require Xia Weibao to make his own decisions, and he cannot replace them.

Whether or not to forgive what the Yan family did three years ago is all hers.

"Can't recognize my cousin? Why!"

In the living room of the Presidential Palace, Yan Yuexian stood up suddenly excited.

Ming Xia Weibao is her cousin, why not recognize it!

God knows how happy she is about this. Last night she cleaned up the room into a double room, and she even prepared Xia Weibao's daily necessities.

Today, I went to the mall to buy her a lot of clothes, all of them hung in the closet, and I also prepared gifts.

Just waiting for Xia Weibao to go home!

Now they say they don’t recognize each other!


She doesn't want it!

Yan Fei was also puzzled, "Aunty, has something happened?"

Yan Lingyi was exhausted physically and mentally, "Don't ask, I don't know about it, and I still claim that Wei Young is my daughter.

Xiao Fei, are you sure that all the people in Tangzhuang were killed that day. "

Yan Fei nodded, "It's all gone, I blew up that manor, there will never be alive."

"That's good, the colonial army, I will seal, this matter must not be spread, you know."

Yan Yuexian was so wronged that he wanted to cry, "Auntie, why? I finally found my cousin, why didn't you let her go home? You used to take Yan Weiyang back."

"Wei Young is dead, do you still want Xia Weibao to die too?"

Yan Lingyi was a little irritable.

Yan Fei frowned.

Yan Yuexian's face was stunned.

"Observe, this matter ends here, don't ask why."

Yan Lingyi got up wearily and turned upstairs.

The thin figure was a little bleak.

Back in the room, she called Lu Hualiang and confessed to him.

Tell him what He Zhixin said, let him protect Xia Weibao and don't tell the truth.

As for her dispatch of colonial troops to rescue Xia Weibao, she said nothing on the face.

Secretly let out some wind, saying that she was helping Zhong Wanshu.

No one knows about the fact that she and Zhong Wanshu are good friends and once kissed a baby.

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