Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1316: Do you want to go out and find another dog!

"Yes, if the baby wants to join the Sinology Association, but also to the ancient dance club, calligraphy club and folk music club, how could it be the ancient martial arts club? Minister Xiong should go find a man to join."

The corners of Zhai En's eyes were twitching from start to finish.

Lady, don't like fighting?

Dancing, playing piano, writing books and painting, elegant and gentle?

You two are blind!

Xiong Gang and the two people from the Guwu Department had no idea what to say.

Xia Weibao was a little worried.

No... She didn't say not to join... Don't talk nonsense...

"What are you two doing." She lowered her voice.

Zhuang Xuejun gave her a calm look, "Didn't you say to be a lady? How can a lady fight all day long."

"Don't worry, we will definitely help you fulfill your lady's wishes. Those who want to destroy your lady's image will be blocked for you!"

Xia Weibao, "..."

In fact, she can join the Furubu Department while being a lady.

Xiong Gang was a little disappointed, "Miss Xia, do you want to consider it again?"

"Don't think about it!" Xia Weibao said hurriedly, "I am the same..."

"Yes, don't think about it, she won't join!" Zhuang Xuejun is decisive!

Zhong Shixia has already begun to see off the guests, "Excuse me, Minister Xiong, let you go for nothing."

Xiong Gang was a little unwilling and wanted to fight for it, "Miss Xia, do you really need to think about it again."

"I mean……"

"She really doesn't use it, and the result is the same how many times I think about it." Zhong Shixia was friendly.

Xia Weibao was anxious, "I agree to join!"

Zhuang Xuejun, "..."

Zhong Shixia, "..."

Do you want to find another dog!

Xiong Gang was extremely excited, holding Xia Weibao's hand, "Miss Xia, congratulations on making the most correct decision."

Xia Weibao smiled crookedly, "Director Xiong, I have to confirm one thing first."

"You said."

"If I maimed someone from the Furububu, should I pay for medical expenses?"

"Huh?" Xiong Gang was dumbfounded.

The two people standing behind him shuddered suddenly, why do they feel chills in their backs...

"I mean... what if you miss a hand and get injured when you are in the game."

"It's okay. Our Furububu is strong and resistant to beatings. Moreover, the country approves funds every year and also buys insurance for them. As long as they are not killed, they are not responsible."

Xia Weibao would smile, so she was relieved.

Zhuang Xuejun pulled Xia Weibao over, "Didn't you say you want to be a lady! What will you do to join the Ancient Armed Forces Department!"

I heard that there is an ancient dance club in the Sinology Association. There are many beautiful women...

Empress Empress thought for a while, "I didn't hear that the ancient martial arts were all men. This is not good. It is necessary to balance men and women. As the so-called men and women match, work is not tired."

The headquarters of the Chinese Studies Association, Meng Songbai, Pei Hong and Yang Yilian, have already made tea and are sitting in the courtyard waiting for news of Xiong Gang's defeat.

Then he laughed fiercely.

But I don't want to see Xiong Gang coming in with a spring breeze, dragging a pig's hoof.

When I heard that Xia Weibao had agreed to join the Guwu Department, all three of them went crazy!

how is this possible!

With Xia Weibao's talent and temperament, it doesn't look like someone who would join the Ancient Armed Forces!

Xiong Gang was very proud, "Xia Xia said, I have no women in the Furububu, so she will balance it."

It is said that that day someone saw Meng Songbai carrying a forty-meter-long knife and chasing Xiong Gang on the Nine Streets.

The reason is that there are no women in his calligraphy department...

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