Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1317: Husband, I joined the Sinology Association

Lu Hualiang found that his wife was in a good mood today.

He even hummed a little song in the bath.

"My wife, are you in a good mood today?"

Xia Weibao tucked up her half-dry hair, "I am in a good mood every day."

In life, of course, you must have fun in time, and do what you do all day long.

"By the way, husband, I have something to tell you. I have a party tomorrow, and I might be back later."

Lu Hualiang's eyes sank, "What party, the crew?"

Under normal circumstances, he does not want her to participate in the crew dinner.

There are too many inside stories in the entertainment industry, and darkness is everywhere.

Although few people in this world can beat her, they are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

What if there is an accident?

Xia Weibao smiled brightly, "It's not from the crew, but from our department. The minister said that in order to welcome me to join, he will treat me tomorrow night."

"What department."

"Guobubu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, haha, I will be from the Kobubu in the future, and there may be activities frequently, so let me tell you first."

Lu Hualiang's face sank, "Have you joined the Sinology Association?"

"Yes, Minister Xiong said, tomorrow you can go over to say hello to everyone and get familiar with the environment."

Lu Hualiang checked the information of the ancient military department. There were 20 members, all of whom were male.

There are no women, so he relaxes and doesn't say much.

Then it reacted, not right.

Why is Furububu all male, but he is relieved?

His wife is female...

The headquarters of the Chinese Studies Association is in the imperial city, just not far from Xia Weibao's crew.

In the afternoon, after all her scenes were over, she deliberately changed into a set of sportswear.

When I first arrived, I saw Xiong Gang dragging a broken leg, his arm wrapped in gauze hanging around his neck, and a circle of gauze wrapped around his head.

Xia Weibao twitched his eyes, "Minister, what's wrong with you?"

When I saw it yesterday, I just broke a leg. Why did I break my hand and my head today?

Xiong Gang grinned, and MMP in his heart.

It's not that Meng Songbai chased down nine streets!

"It's okay. When I went to bed last night, I accidentally fell out of bed and broke my hand. Small things are small things."

Xia Weibao, "..."

It was pitiful to fall off the bed and hurt like this.

Xiong Gang was about to take her to the Guwu Department to see when he saw Meng Songbai coming up from behind.

The gray-haired old man, pulling his face at this moment, was like a child who couldn't get sugar. He really complied with that sentence, and went back as he lived.

"Xia Xia, there are no women in my calligraphy department."

Xia Weibao, "..."

If you don't have women, you can't go!

"Go and go." Xiong Gang took the crutches and tried to beat Meng Songbai away, "Xia Xia is now a member of my ancient martial arts department. Get away."

Meng Songbai still didn't give up, "Xia Xia, you are a girl who is so quiet and delicate, and is not suitable for a violent and **** place like a martial arts field. It is better to come to our calligraphy department to write and paint."

Xiong Gang is not happy anymore, why should I give it to you?

Meng Songbai was not given a chance at all, and he directly took Xia Weibao away.

"Xia Xia, you are here just right, and everyone else is training in the martial arts ground. You used to show them two hands to save them one or two arrogance."

Xia Weibao was hesitant at first. Although she didn't want to join the calligraphy department, it would be okay to leave Meng Songbai as an old man?

But when I heard that everyone else was training, my hands itch instantly.

Hey, let's go over immediately!

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