Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1348: Emergency situations!

In other words, every time he heard her called Emperor Xia Liang, he mistakenly thought that there was another man in her heart...

Xia Weibao's heart suddenly ached.

In other words, every time she fell in love with him, she thought she regarded him as someone else...

No matter who it is, such a thing cannot be accepted.

What's more, he is such a proud person.

"As long as you stay with me, I don't care about anything..."

"do not leave me……"

"It doesn't matter if you don't love me, I just love you..."

The words he once said kept echoing in his head.

Thinking of the pain in his eyes when he said these words, Xia Weibao only felt a headache that was about to split.

I didn't understand why he always said such things before, but now he is eating away like a cup of coffee.

What kind of feelings will make him do this step?

Tolerate your own woman and use him as a substitute...

With the heat wave rolling in his chest, Xia Weibao almost couldn't control his emotions.

She didn't change her name on purpose, but just got used to it.

The emperor who had been called the emperor for decades in her previous life, this title has been printed in her soul.

As for her husband, she only called it for a few months. How could it be changed?

Xia Weibao suddenly grabbed his hand, "It's not what you think, I'm actually calling..."


At this moment, Lu Hualiang's cell phone rang.

It's different from the pure music ringtones in the past, but didi sounds, a bit like an alarm.

Lu Hua's eyebrows dazzled, and he immediately picked up his phone and went out.

This is an emergency call. Unless one hundred thousand is in a hurry, no one will call him urgently!

Xia Weibao also sat up, frowning.

Although I don't know what happened, but from the nervous ringtones and Lu Hualiang's expression, it seems that something has happened.

After a while, Lu Hualiang went to the study and came out soon.

Strode to the closet to change clothes.

"Are you going out?" Xia Weibao asked.

"Some things need to be dealt with and need to be away for a few days. Take care of yourself."

He changed clothes three times faster than usual, but even at such a fast speed, he still looked orderly, elegant and calm.

It will be replaced soon.

He walked out while wearing a tie, and couldn't turn his head to look at her while speaking.

"You go to bed first, wait until I come back to talk about something."

When this sentence was finished, people had already walked out of the room.

Xia Weibao came back to his senses, "Wait!"

However, the man has gone.

Xia Weibao jumped directly out of the bed without wearing any shoes, and chased him out quickly.

If this matter is not clear, it will be a thorn in his heart!

However, when she ran out of the room, Lu Hualiang was nowhere to be seen.

Xia Weibao was so anxious that he didn't even go the stairs, jumped down from the third floor, and then chased it out.

It's a pity that Lu Hualiang walked too fast, she could only see the back of his car going away.

Standing barefoot in the night, a little helpless alone.

His lower lip was slightly trembling, and he felt like crying.

Are you in such a hurry? You don't even have time to listen to her explanation.

Thinking of something, she turned around and ran back to the room, digging out the phone to make a call.

"Hello, the phone you dialed is turned off, please call again later..."

Xia Weibao was taken aback, turned off?

Why did it suddenly shut down after I answered the phone?

I feel a little uneasy in my heart, something big must have happened!

"Why don't you leave after listening to my explanation." Xia Weibao was a little upset.

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