Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1349: Empress is almost discovered

Lu Hualiang's car drove into another villa under his name.

Various infrared scans are performed from the time the car enters the field of view.

After confirming the identity, enter unimpededly.

From the entrance of the villa to the interior, the fully armed soldiers guarded the guard very strictly.

In the information room, dozens of computers are operating at the same time, the blue light keeps flashing, and the complex codes above are jumping fast.

Everyone's complexion was unprecedentedly grim, as if facing an enemy.

Anxious but not chaotic footsteps came from the end of the corridor, and then, a pair of long legs wrapped in black trousers stepped out.

Lu Hualiang was dressed in a pure black suit, his face was frosty, and his dark eyes were already solidified swords of wind and frost, glowing with a cold chill.

The eyebrows fly into the temples, the outline is sharp, and the powerful aura is mixed with the violent Lingli aura, like a sheathed sword, unstoppable!

And the gentle wife and madman who usually dominates Xia Weibao in front of him are different.

The long, straight legs strode steady and fast, and the men behind him could hardly keep up with him.

Seeing him coming, the information room goalkeeper quickly opened the door.

The already heavy atmosphere of the information room, with the arrival of men, the powerful aura makes the information room even more oppressive.

"What's going on." Lu Hualiang's voice was cold.

Yang Li, who arrived one step earlier, quickly walked out from behind one of the informants.

"Master, our two military research and development bases in North America were exposed and picked up by the South China Group. The base was destroyed and a large number of weapons were taken away. Five scientists were also taken away. The casualties are being counted."

Yang Lihan rained.

The military R&D base has their core technology. Fortunately, someone discovered an enemy attack and destroyed the system data in the first time. These data are backed up at the headquarters.

But that batch of weapons has just been successfully developed and has not yet been sold on the market. If Nanguo Group can get it and analyze the core technology, it will be a heavy blow to them!

And those five scientists are all elites.

Researchers are the real core, and people are more important than weapons!

They have always been impervious to the protection of scientific researchers, and they have never made any mistakes, but this time they were arrested for five!

Yang Li gritted his teeth and killed his face.

Where are the usual doglegs?

Lu Hualiang's face was cold, "Who revealed the wind?"

Their research bases have always been secretive, more stringent than the secrecy of military bases.

There has never been a mistake, and now two have been revealed at once!

"It's still being investigated. The Nanguo Group's insider reported the news. An anonymous person provided the information.

In addition, the outside and inside line was discovered after passing the message back. It has been..."

Lu Hualiang's face grew colder and colder, and he scanned the busy information officer.

"Let them track down the person who revealed the information, use all the intelligence network in your hand, track the whereabouts of the weapons and the five scientific researchers, and rescue them at any time."

"Yes." Yang Li wiped off his sweat, and just then, the phone rang.

He answered the phone and his expression changed drastically, "Master, Nan Yi has entered the imperial city. It seems that someone has revealed your news, saying that you are in the imperial city. He is carrying a carpet of people to search. The center of the area is the Huxin community..."

Lu Hualiang's complexion changed slightly.

He didn't change his face when he knew that the military research base had been picked, but his face changed when he knew that Nan Yi was searching near the Huxin community.

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