Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1352: Midnight

Moreover, the relationship between her and Lu Hualiang is a secret, and her identity as the owner of the genius medical clinic is also a secret. It should be Lu Hualiang who knows these secrets.

Xia Weibao drove out in a hurry.

Although she was still suspicious, it was possible that someone deliberately led her out.

However, she did not have so much time to explore the truth and falsehood of the matter.

In case it is true, then Lu Hualiang...

Don't dare to think further.

She would rather be in danger than risk his life!

There are very few people on the road at 1 am, only the dim yellow street lights extend into the unknown darkness.

The green trees on both sides of the highway swayed in the evening breeze, like the devil in the dark night with its teeth and claws, it is possible at any time to stretch out the evil claws and tear people to pieces.

The road was wide, and Xia Weibao drove until it flew, rushing all the way to the genius doctor's office.

Thinking of Lu Hualiang's eagerness before leaving, her heart touched her throat.

Don't have anything...

The car got off the main road and turned into a remote road without a camera.

Here is a field of trees, the trees are very tall, the road passes through the forest, and the street lights are hidden under the canopy, making it even more gloomy.

There was no one everywhere, even on the small road, Xia Weibao's car drove fast.

Suddenly, a person appeared out of thin air on the road ahead.

The speed was too fast and the person appeared so suddenly that she slammed the brakes in fright.

However, it was too late.

The person was too close, even if she stepped on the brakes in the first place, she still slammed into it!

Her eyes widened suddenly, and when she thought she would knock someone into the air, the person suddenly disappeared.


The car stopped abruptly. Under the influence of inertia, Xia Weibao slammed his body towards the steering wheel.

Without a collision, the airbag would not pop out, so her chest hit the steering wheel directly.

Under the pull of the seat belt, he smashed back to the back of the chair.

The pain made her grin.

Cover your chest with one hand, oh my god, it hurts to death.

I don't know if it's smashed. Lu Hualiang likes her the most. It would be a pity if it crashed into a basin.

It took a while to relax, she craned her neck and looked in the direction of the front of the car. No one was there.

Eyebrows furrowed tightly, strangely, just now I clearly saw someone.

It is a man in dark blue clothes.

How could it be gone?

This is too weird.

She was very sure that she had not made a mistake just now, but she did not hit anyone. Could it be that someone in this world is so fast that they can dodge a 100-mile speed?

Xia Weibao didn't get out of the car. Although she would occasionally be careless, she was still more cautious about major issues, unless something happened to Lu Hualiang.

Now this situation is obviously different, and naturally I will not get off the car easily.

Backing the car for a certain distance, the road ahead was empty, not to mention the shadows of people, there were no ghosts.

Xia Weibao's heart sank suddenly, no longer staying, starting the engine and about to leave.

But at this moment, there was a loud bang, and the window next to the driver's seat was suddenly smashed through by a steely hand!

The strong hand is like an eagle's claw, and the five fingers are drawn toward her head in a hook.

Xia Weibao reacted very quickly. When the danger came, his body rushed towards the passenger seat with lightning speed.

The heart thumped and thumped wildly.


What a monster!

This is not an ordinary sports car, but a bulletproof car modified by Lu Hua Lianghua for a hundred million yuan!

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