Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1353: Empress vs Nan Yi

I was smashed with a punch in this way, but it was not a human being!

The bulletproof windows are so hard!

When using internal force, she can also smash, but her hand will hurt a little.

At this time, the person who smashed her car window did not feel any energy fluctuations, that is to say, the person smashed it open with pure strength.


Xia Weibao turned his head abruptly, and saw that hand grabbed the car door and broke the front door directly.

Xia Weibao, "..."

Nima, she has met a strong man.

There was a big alarm bell in her head, this is definitely not a normal person, she even suspects that it is not a person!

The sense of crisis was stronger than ever. Seeing that the car door had been removed, she hurriedly broke the seat belt, opened the door of the co-pilot, and then rushed out.

At the same time, the entire front of the car was lifted.

Then the car was thrown to the side, the bottom turned upside down!

Xia Weibao, who was standing still on the ground, was shocked when she saw this scene.

She suddenly understood that when the chicken-eating trio was conquered, what was the mood of the three seeing her kicking the sports car...

How terrified Nima was!

Looking around, she finally saw the person who just smashed the car window.

He is a man, not a monster.

The figure is tall and thin, and the hair is a bit long, and the fine hair ends just drop down to the shoulders. The flowing sea in front of the forehead covers the eyes, revealing a straight nose and blood-red lips under the nose.

His face is very white, not a normal white, but a very unnaturally sick white.

The dim street lamp hit his face, and the eyes under the broken hair were invisible, but he could feel a terrible cold air.

Wearing black tights and a long dark blue trench coat, the whole breath is strange, almost blending with the night.

Xia Weibao was vigilant, this person was so strange.

His sickly white face seemed to be invisible all year round, but his lips were red as bloody. He was paired with a hunting windbreaker, and the background was a tree roaring and swaying wildly with the wind.

This scene, inexplicably feels a bit crippled.

Staring at him with cold eyes, Xia Weibao felt a cold snake crawling in his body, and the goose bumps were all up.

After two lives, she had fear for the first time.

There was no reason for him, but she couldn't feel any human breath in this man's body.

She is a genius doctor and is very sensitive to human breath. It is no exaggeration to say that sometimes she can judge whether a person's body is healthy only by smell.

And this man, like a dead person, she couldn't smell the breath of a living person.

Thinking of his strange speed and terrible strength just now.

Xia Weibao wants to scold his mother!


It's just going out, what kind of monster she has hit!

She didn't dare to act rashly before figuring out the origin of the other party, who knew what the purpose of this monster was.

Although she is not afraid, she should try her best to keep a low profile without causing trouble.

After all, she is so good, so listen to her husband, right.

The man didn't move either, he seemed to be looking at her.

The two faced each other for a full five minutes, and the man's blood-colored lips slowly curled up.

A sly smile appeared.

Such a smile made Xia Weibao's hair terrifying.

Brother, don't laugh, it will scare people to death.

"As expected of Summer's woman, she is really different."

Nan Yi is a rare boast. In this world, people who dare to look at him can point out with one hand.

And woman, she is the only one!

Judging from the reaction just now, his skills are also good.

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