Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1360: The empress is too sturdy, Mr. Lu is shocked

"Yeah." He responded faintly, "I miss you too."

Yang Li, "..."

He turned his head silently and looked at the fast-forward scenery outside, wondering if he would fall to death if he pulled the car door and jumped down!

Between falling to death and being supported by dog ​​food, he decisively chose the latter.

And the driver, once again frightened the steering wheel to slip.

Is this really the ruthless and ruthless master of their family?

Fuck, his master's voice has always been bloody, when has it been so gentle!

And actually even talked about love!

God, is this world fantasy?

So shocked that I couldn’t control the direction, bang—

I almost hit the railing next to me just now, but this time I hit it directly...

The spirit of the driver's brother was scared away.

Waiting tremblingly for the verdict of fate.

Lu Hualiang just glanced faintly, then withdrew his gaze, and continued talking on the phone with his wife.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

There was no sound of the death sentence, and there was no cold oppression.

The driver's eldest brother was stunned.

Yang Li rolled his eyes, "I'm not driving yet."

If you don't have a life back, you should hurry up and be a man with your tail clipped, and wait for death right there.

"Yes, yes, go right away."

The driver's eldest brother hurriedly stabilized his emotions and started on the road, but a storm raged in his heart.

Just a moment when the steering wheel slipped, the master's eyes could freeze him to death!

The car crashed directly this time, but it was all right?

Could it be because...Young lady?

A serious mistake as a car accident escaped because the master wanted to talk to the young lady on the phone.

He has a hunch that the savior is coming!

If you have a chance to see the legendary young lady in the future, you must hold your thighs tight!

Xia Weibao was excited inside and couldn't help touching her face, hot.

She had a lot of things to say to him, too many to know where to start.

"You walked in such a hurry last night, what happened?"

"Well, something is wrong, I might go back later."

"Oh, that's it." Xia Weibao was a little lost, "By the way, I have something to tell you, among which I am dreaming..."

"Where did you go last night."

Xia Weibao was about to explain, but didn't want to be interrupted.

Speaking of what happened last night, she was a little guilty, "Just... sleeping at home."

"Fighting with someone?"

Xia Weibao, "..."

She knew that this must not be hidden from him.

"No, it's self-defense! That person wanted to kill me, but I was just forced to resist, and my men were merciful and didn't kill him or leave a handle."

Lu Hualiang was slightly surprised, "You tell me what happened."

He wanted to catch Nan Yi for a long time, but the man was so fast and cunning that he couldn't catch it at all.

How did she take off people's clothes!

Empress Empress hurriedly told the story of the matter, and subconsciously skipped Long Xuanye to help her block the move.

I'm afraid he will misunderstand again.

"Did you beat him?!" Lu Hualiang was shocked!

He kept hiding her to death, just because she was afraid that Nan Yi would be in danger.

Unexpectedly, this woman was so tough that she even beat Nan Yi!

Lu Hualiang suddenly felt that he had been doing useless work before.

His woman is stronger than imagined and does not need protection at all.

"Almost, if you face it, I'm almost the same as him, but he is fast, faster than me, and then I take medicine..."

The empress touched her nose. Although the medicine was a bit despicable, she was self-defense, and just looked at the result.

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