Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1361: Where are my clothes

"But don't worry, I didn't kill him, and I wiped out the evidence. I took off his clothes without leaving fingerprints.

In addition, I washed his memory, and he has forgotten about it. "

After thinking for a while, Xia Weibao added, "I didn't have a full stripe, and left a pair of underpants. It was dark at the time and I didn't see anything."

Lu Hualiang stroked his forehead, "Why didn't you kill him."

"What?" The empress didn't understand what this meant. "It wasn't you who told me not to kill?"

Lu Hualiang, "..."

What else can he say.

"You can kill at your discretion. Indiscriminately killing innocents is not an option, but like Nan Yi, you can kill."

"He is Nan Yi?!"

Xia Weibao was shocked.

She has heard the name Nan Yi several times, and the biggest impression is that she is abnormal.

Looking back, it really was a pervert!

"Husband, who exactly is Nan Yi? I think he is like a monster."

Lu Hualiang groaned for two seconds, "He was once arrested for drug research, and his body was mutated, similar to a biochemical person."

Xia Weibao's eyes widened suddenly. Although she didn't quite understand what biohazard means, she could understand that she was arrested for drug research, and her body had mutated.

It's like her master used to feed some living people with poison, and then turned them into poison people.

She disagrees very much with this kind of thing.

It was precisely because of this incident that she and her master had a disagreement, and later went into the world by herself.

Unexpectedly, modern times also have this kind of research on living people!

Thinking of Nan Yi's weak pulse condition, Xia Weibao's heart filled with anger!

"Which beastly beast is so inhuman! What a cruel thing to do research on living people, has your conscience eaten by dogs!"

She roared very loudly, and the voice came from the phone, scared the driver's big brother tightly holding the steering wheel, absolutely can't make any more mistakes!

And Yang Li is ready to jump off the car.

The wrath of the emperor, the corpse thousands of miles!

Young lady, why are you scolding your husband?

Lu Hualiang groaned for several seconds, "It's me."

Xia Weibao, "..."

"Actually... it's not uncommon to experiment with human bodies, and it's not necessarily a loss of conscience...

People like Nan Yi are not a good thing at first sight... Experiment with him...deserves..."

The more I speak, the lower the sound, and the roundness is no longer...

"Are you afraid of me?" The man's voice was low.

Xia Weibao shook his head abruptly, then remembered to call now, shaking his head and the other party couldn't see.

So he said quickly, "Don't be afraid, you must have your own reasons."

Even if he is really wicked, what if he will not hurt her!

If he is a demon from **** in this life, then she will accompany him to become a demon!

"Well, I don't know about this, I will tell you later."

"Okay, by the way, I have something to tell you. You said before that I was called the emperor, but I was actually calling..."

"Baby, where are my clothes."

Before Xia Weibao finished speaking, a man's voice came from behind him.

She was taken aback.

Suddenly returning to his senses, Long Xuanye did not know when he had already appeared behind her.

His face was pale, the wound on his shoulder was torn, and the gauze was stained with blood.

She was shocked, "Why did you get out of bed!"

"I can't see you when I wake up, I thought you left last night..."


Xia Weibao looked anxious, and said to the phone, "Husband...Hello, hello, hello?"

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