Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1534: My husband is Lu Hualiang

Now because of the announcement of the marriage relationship, he has become a public enemy of the country!

But it doesn't matter, as long as his wife is his alone, it doesn't matter if he becomes the public enemy of the world!

The beauty host has no love in life, "When did you marry him?"

Heart hurts.

Lu Hualiang was also her male **** before, but now, she doesn't even want to say the name of that man.

Xia Weibao smiled slightly, "A year ago, when I came out of the mental hospital, I had secretly obtained a marriage certificate with him, but because of professional relations, it has not been disclosed."

Beautiful host, "..."

Can't hold on...

After the interview, Weibo was repaired and it was able to run normally.

This time the hot spot is amazing, it's all President Lu!



#Goddess Announcement Wedding News#

#Lu Zong crazy fans! #

#陆总 Drop fans break the world record#


Fans cried and wailed.

——The goddess actually married, this world is so cruel!

——I used to think that Mr. Lu was quite suitable for babies, but now, I think my Chinese cabbage has been eaten by pigs!

——Obviously, President Lu is handsome, rich and powerful. From the appearance, he is a natural match with the baby, but I don’t know why, he always feels a flower stuck in the cow dung.

——Don't say it, so kind, why marry someone for no reason.

——China's No. 1 wealthy family, such a family is worthy of Xia Weibao, but why is it vomiting blood in my heart!

——Do you remember that when the baby first came back, some people said that she was brought out by a man, who turned out to be Lu Hualiang!

—— Suddenly it felt a little ridiculous. Xia Weibao was hacked along the way, saying that she was concealed as a minor by unspoken rules, so she was the number one grandmother, who would dare to support her?

——My God, the daughter of the Presidential Palace, the first richest young lady, with such an identity, this is the only person looking at China...

——Knock Li Ma, I suddenly remembered one thing. At first, Yan Weiyang **** Mr. Lu to make a hype, but later clarified that Mr. Lu’s girlfriend was someone else. Isn’t that back is Xia Weibao!

——Yes, yes, I also remembered it, no wonder Mr. Lu opened Weibo and only followed Xia Weibao alone, so he was supporting his wife...

——Crying, before we know, Mr. Lu is already showing affection all over the world...

——The other party rejected your dog food, and kicked your dog bowl, exploded your dog's head, and killed your dog (ps: the dog's name is Lu.)

——Pray that Mr. Lu will be domestically abused, tomorrow the goddess will be single and inherit a hundred billion inheritance hahaha...


The matter of Xia Weibao married into a wealthy family made a sensation throughout China!

The Internet was full of discussions about this matter, and she also dug out her past and slipped it again.

Those who have been hacked before, in front of the two identities of the first wealthy young lady and the daughter of the presidential palace, will break down.

All the people who had been black and scolded her before, all shivered, their tails clipped.

I was afraid that Lu Hualiang would ask them to settle the account.

The three words Lu Hualiang are synonymous with tyrants in Huaxia, and they have reached the point where they have changed.

You can offend anyone, but you must never provoke Lu Hualiang!

Otherwise, I don’t know how to die!

Since then, Xia Weibao's status as the hegemon of the entertainment industry cannot be surpassed!

If a person is good, many people will be jealous.

But if you are so good that others cannot surpass it, you can only look up.

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