Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1535: For a wedding, let’s talk about the bride price first

Today's Xia Weibao is so good that everyone in the entertainment industry is hard to beat!

Whether it is identity or ability.

No one can hide its edge.

Xia Weibao didn't want to pay attention to all the noise on the Internet.

After the interview, he immediately called Lu Hualiang and went out to eat together.

I haven't dated for a long time, and now I finally open the relationship, it is natural to go out and love it.

This is the first time that they don't need to disguise and walk on the street with integrity.

"Mr. Lu, congratulations, the name is finally rectified."

Lu Hualiang lowered his head and looked at her smiling face with gentle eyes, "Mrs. Lu, Tongxi."

Xia Weibao raised her eyebrows, "Actually, I don't think it makes any difference between public and public. It's not the same as eating, sleeping, and living."

Lu Hualiang stretched out his hand, hugged her waist and walked forward, "It makes no difference? I couldn't hold you openly like this before."


The spotlight flashed behind him, and Xia Weibao looked back subconsciously and saw the reporter hiding behind him taking pictures.

"Someone is taking pictures."

"Leave them alone."

He is now anxious that the whole world will see him and Xia Weibao together, and shoot whenever he wants.

Seeing through his thoughts, the Queen Empress rolled her eyes silently.

Forget it, it's made public anyway, he can do whatever he wants.

After dinner, I went to a high-level club to play for two hours, only then the husband and wife returned home.

When I returned to Lu Yuan, it was already ten thirty in the evening.

Everyone actually didn't sleep.

They were all sitting in the living room, watching TV and chatting.

Seeing the two of them coming in, swiftly, several glances came over.

The most obvious ones are Lu Huashan and Yan Yuexian.

Wild man!


Although Yan Lingyi and Zhong Wanshu were a little sorry, they felt better after thinking that a little bun might come out soon.

Yan Fei's face was gloomy and very upset. The doors of the Presidential Palace were all trampled on. They were only repaired today.

What a popular sister, she should choose her husband's son-in-law, but she was so overwhelmed by the pig!

"Why are you still asleep?" Xia Weibao asked as he walked over.

Zhong Wanshu waved to her, "I am waiting for you."

"Mom, what's the matter."

Xia Weibao sat down and Lu Hualiang walked over and sat beside her.

Yan Lingyi chuckled, "Baby, when are you going to have the wedding? Since the relationship has been made public, should the wedding be done too?"

Xia Weibao shrugged, "It doesn't matter whether I do it or not, I am free."

"To do it." Lu Hualiang looked at her, "I will give you a wedding that has been eye-catching for a century."

His woman deserves the best.

Lu Huashan snorted coldly.

Yan Yuexian sneered, yin and yang weird.

"Hey, it sounds better than singing. What about the bride price? If you want to marry my Yan family princess, how much bride price do you plan to give, Mr. Lu?"

The more I thought about it, the more angry, it was her cousin, but she was robbed!

Yan Fei also coldly snorted, "It's not that simple to marry my Yan family. If the dowry is not satisfied, we won't agree even if we get the certificate!"

He had already thought about it, no matter what dowry Lu Hualiang gave, he was all bitterly dissatisfied.

Then you can **** people back!

Yan Lingyi's eyes lit up, why she didn't expect it!

If you can get your daughter back, then you don’t need a grandson...

So she coughed twice, "Yes, before you got the certificate, our Yan family didn't know it, and didn't count. If we want to marry my daughter, we will discuss the bride price first."

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