Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1551: You... calm down

Xia Weibao's head hurts even more.

In other words, just now she was standing with Long Xuanye, and he saw them all.

"Let's go, go home first."

She is in a mess now, she will talk about it when she goes home.

Lu Hualiang's eyes filled with sullenness, and when he was about to get angry, he saw a car driving by.

This is an underground parking lot, and now it's the rush hour, many people come to pick up their cars.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and stuffed her into the car.

After the two got in the car, Lu Hualiang did not immediately drive away, but held the steering wheel with both hands and looked straight ahead.

His complexion was very calm, if it weren't for the blue veins on his hands that exposed his emotions, no one would have seen him being angry.

However, at this time, Xia Weibao was in a state of confusion. Since getting in the car, he had been bowing his head and didn't notice his strangeness at all.

"Why don't you drive?" After a while, she recovered.

Lu Hualiang still looked ahead, "Are you nothing to tell me."

Xia Weibao rubbed his temples, "I didn't know that Long Xuanye would appear here, just said a few words to him, don't get me wrong."

Lu Hualiang's hands holding the steering wheel became tighter and tighter, his knuckles turned white, "Misunderstanding?"

"It's not a misunderstanding. He just came over and said a few words to me, but I didn't find him. Can you stop talking to me in this tone."

"What's my tone, my wife and other men are cuddling in the crowd, what tone do you think of me!"

He did not kill Long Xuanye on the spot, he was already enduring it with all his might!

"Xia Weibao, don't think that I'm petting you, you can throw my sincerity on the ground! My patience is also limited!"

Xia Weibao was a little dazed, "What hug and hug?"

What suddenly came to mind, as if... Just now Long Xuanye took advantage of her to hug her?

At that time, I was shocked and didn't know what was happening outside.

Damn it!

"That was a misunderstanding. I was thinking about other things, but I didn't expect him to hug me."

Lu Hualiang's eyes were like a devil living in his eyes. The cold air was overwhelming. The hostility in his body became heavier and heavier, and he could lose control at any time.

The look in his eyes became more and more frightening, and his breathing gradually became heavy.

This appearance of losing her mind at any time made Xia Weibao a little scared.

Every time before he lost control of his anger, it was like this...

Hold the seat belt tightly with both hands, and curl up.

Thinking of the consequences of his loss of control last time, she had lingering fears, and her thin shoulders couldn't help shaking.

"You... calm down."

Lu Hualiang manually moved, and Xia Weibao immediately shrank to the door of the car in fright, his face changed.

"Husband, don't do this, I'm afraid!"

Lu Hualiang's sanity that had almost lost control just now became sober.

Very upset.

How could he scare her again.

Busily untied her seat belt, leaned over, pulled her back to the seat, and touched her face.

Without saying anything, drove back to Luyuan.

There was speechless all the way, the two had their own concerns, and neither spoke, and the atmosphere in the car was extremely heavy.

Back to Lu Yuan, supper was ready, and the faces of the two were not quite right.

Fu Bo quickly greeted him with a smile, "Sir, Madam, dinner is ready."

Xia Weibao is worried and has no appetite.

She glanced at Lu Hualiang, "I'm not hungry, you can eat by yourself, go back to the room first."

After speaking, he walked up the stairs.

"Young lady, young lady..."

Uncle Fu's voice came from behind, but she had no mental understanding.

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