Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1552: The Mystery of Xia Weibao's Life Experience 1

Before, she only used one number, but Lu Hualiang refused to let her use medical skills.

She erased everything from the past.

After reopening the medical center again, he became more concerned, no longer put his mobile phone number, but asked Lu Hualiang to get her an unidentified card.

Put it in front of the genius doctor's office, in case there is an emergency.

This was the first time someone called her.

"Hey, who."

"Is it the genius doctor Weiliang? My dad is seriously ill and is about to die. You are the genius doctor and living Bodhisattva. Please save him."

There is a very mature male voice on the phone, who should be 40 or 50 years old.

With an anxious tone and crying, it seemed that his father was very sick.

"Where are you."

"The entrance of the genius medical center."

"Okay, I'll go over immediately."

After hanging up, Xia Weibao glanced at Lu Hualiang, who was sitting in front of him with his bathrobe untied.

Lowering her head, her clothes were half taken off, and there were several hickeys on her neck and chest.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

"I... I have a patient..."

Lu Hualiang didn't speak, and got up to take a cold shower.

Xia Weibao looked at the closed bathroom door and sighed softly.

Then change clothes and go out.

When I drove to the genius medical center, I saw a person standing in front of the door with one on his back.

Xia Weibao hurriedly stopped the car and stepped forward quickly.

The man saw her coming, as if he had seen hope in a desperate situation.

"Weiliang genius doctor, are you Weiliang genius doctor."

Wearing a white trigram, glasses and a mask, it is in line with the rumored image.


Xia Weibao said and glanced at the man.

The eyebrows frowned almost invisibly.

This man, in his forties, has pale skin, calmness in his elegance, and a temperament unlike ordinary people.

The family background should be good, only people in middle age will have such a refined manner.

"The genius doctor Weiliang, please look at my dad. He doesn't know what's going on. He suddenly became ill a few days ago. I took him to several hospitals, but he couldn't diagnose the disease."

Xia Weibao glanced at the patient. It was an old man in his sixties with white hair.

His face was covered with wrinkles, and he couldn't see the color of the skin, because the old man's face was covered with red bloodshot eyes.

Not only the face, but also the neck and hands are all red bloodshot.

Xia Weibao looked at his eyes, which were also covered with red bloodshot eyes, which looked a bit hideous.

"First carry him in."

The door was opened and the patient was placed on the bed.

Xia Weibao asked the middle-aged people to wait outside, while she closed the door to see the doctor.

After exploring the pulse condition, the pulse is big and powerful, like a turbulent wave, rising and falling, this is a flood.

After further investigation, the pulse condition has completely changed. The pulse is as thin as a line, with obvious fluctuations. This is a fine pulse.

Xia Weibao twisted her eyebrows tightly.

The result of pulse signal is different every time. He stretched out his hand and pressed the position of his abdominal abdomen, and the pulse was obvious.

Look closely at the red blood streaks all over the body.

Xia Weibao's complexion became more and more serious, and after repeated confirmations several times, she suddenly retracted her hand.

"Get up, you are not sick at all."

After listening to her, the old man, who had been unconscious, suddenly turned over and sat up.

He took a black pill from his body and took it, and the red blood on his body disappeared miraculously.

Only then did the old man look at her, his stern eyes revealed a bit of appreciation.

"How can you tell."

Xia Weibao didn't answer his question. If she couldn't even tell if she was sick, she would be a genius doctor.

"You are better than your dad."

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