Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1553: Xia Weibao's Mystery of Life Experience 2

The old man's inexplicable sentence made Xia Weibao startled.

She looked around and found that she and the old man were the only people in the ward.

Xia Weibao pointed to his nose, "Old man, are you talking to me?"

The old man's sharp and deep eyes locked her face tightly, "Apart from you, is there a third person in the ward?"

Xia Weibao was even more puzzled, "Do you know my dad?"

The word dad was very strange in her impression.

She has no father in her past or present life.

Yan Lingyi said that the father of this body, Ma Xingfeng, was dead.

Suddenly I heard about my father from another person's mouth, except for strangers, but strangers.

The old man looked straight ahead, his eyes a little far-reaching, as if he was remembering something.

"Your father is also a medical genius. He has a superhuman understanding of Chinese medicine since he was a child, but you are better than him.

Back then, I also used this disease to test him, but he didn't diagnose me as pretending to be sick. "

Xia Weibao, "..."

This old man is really boring, what's the point of this kind of thing?

"You know my dad very well?"

The old man looked at her, "I am your grandfather."

Xia Weibao was stunned.

She has no impression of Ma Xingfeng.

Yan Lingyi didn't mention the Ma family, nor did she ask.

Never thought about whether there are anyone else in the Ma family.

Xia Weibao's eyes slowly narrowed, "Why should I believe you."

A defensive heart is indispensable, suddenly a person ran out and said that it was her relatives, she believed it without being so stupid.

Regarding the precautions in her eyes, the old man was not annoyed, and said, "Your father is Xia Xingfeng."

"Sorry." Empress Empress raised her hand and interrupted, "You have admitted the wrong person. My father is called Ma Xingfeng."

"That was his pseudonym. Back then, he went out to travel and practice medicine, accumulate experience, and fell in love with Yan Lingyi at first sight, eloped with that woman behind his family, and gave birth to you."

"The story is well made, continue." Xia Weibao flicked his nails.

Pulled a chair, sat down and listened to his story.

This silly attitude made the old man a little angry, "What kind of attitude is this? I'm your grandfather!"

For a senior who gives orders all the year round, the stubborn attitude of the younger generation is disrespectful!

Xia Weibao propped his chin, her eyes a little funny, "Old man, do you think I am like a fool."

"Nonsense, how can my granddaughter of Xia Jinsong be a fool!"

Xia Weibao, "..."

Yes, it's in the play.

"Since you have said that I am not a fool, why do you think that I will believe you in a few words?"

The old man became angry, "I have no reason to pretend to be your grandpa."

"That's not necessarily true. After all, I am now Miss Yan's family or Lu's grandmother. How many people want to climb my high branches."

It is not her narcissism, but with her current status, in China, there is really no woman who can compare with her.

Whether it is the Lu family or the Yan family, those people have sharpened their heads and want to get in touch.

The old man pretended to be ill and deceived her, but after being exposed, he said it was her grandfather.

Malgobi, shouldn't he run out of a mental hospital?

Recall that in the mental hospital she lived in, there seemed to be an old king living next door, which was somewhat similar to this old man...

Later, call back to the mental hospital to ask if it was a holiday or someone ran out!

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