Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1562: Lu Yuan's Catastrophe 2

"Why." Xia Weibao was puzzled.

Xia Jinsong coldly said, "If people know that the leaders of the Eastern countries have been poisoned, what kind of turmoil will be caused, do I still need to say.

I can't disclose it anyway!

And your family, if they know, they will definitely not let you go.

Your identity is destined to be no ordinary person, and no one can be your weakness! "

An anger surged between Xia Weibao's eyebrows, "What do you mean!"

"You are destined not to be peaceful when you go. In order to force you, they will definitely threaten the people around you. If you make a big deal, how can you keep people behind!

As for your husband...

He is not good enough for you, grandpa will pick the best for you. "

Xia Weibao was trembling faintly. She swears that if the old man in front of her looked like half of her foot stuck into the coffin, she might follow a group of egrets to the sky with a punch, she would definitely defend herself without hesitation!

Damn it!

Actually want her to leave Lu Hualiang, and my grandfather has no face to give!

What's more, I don't know if it's my grandpa!

Seeing her angry, Xia Jinsong felt that she was a little too much.

The man who squanders the chaff must not be abandoned, it is indeed a bit unkind to do so.

However, the Lu family is really not worthy of his Xia family's daughter.

How can such a good granddaughter have such a bad vision.

"If you have half Yong Xuan's vision, Grandpa won't have to worry about you."

Although Xia Yongxuan was aloof and strong, and his behavior style made him very dissatisfied, she saw a man's vision, but he was a hundred satisfied.

"If you don't break contact with the people here, they will be spotted sooner or later.

Only by standing at the highest point can you do what you want to do and protect the people you want to protect.

You are a wise man, you should understand what I mean. "

Xia Jinsong finished speaking, got up and left.

He believed that she would understand his good intentions.

Xia Weibao sat in the genius hospital for an hour, and then drove outside for another hour.

I was confused, and I couldn't figure it out.

The appearance of the ancient medical family was like a disaster from the sky, and she was not happy at all.

When I got home, it was early morning.

However, Lu Yuan was brightly lit.

Xia Weibao was a little puzzled, didn't he all rest at this time?

Did something happen?

Shocked, hurriedly stepped on the gas pedal to get in.

People came and went in Luyuan, everyone looked anxious, and several ambulances kept calling.

The doctors wearing white big gua rushed back and forth, sweating profusely.

Xia Weibao didn't even stop the car, threw it aside and ran over, grabbing one of the maids passing by, "What's the matter!"

The maids were almost crying, and now they saw Xia Weibao coming back, tears streaming down the ground.

Pounced into her arms, "Young lady, I'm so scared."

Xia Weibao patted her on the back, "Don't be afraid, I'm back, goodbye, tell me what happened?"

The maid shook her head in fear, "I don't know, many people are poisoned."

"Poisoning?!" Xia Weibao was shocked.

The maid sobbed, "Yes, tonight the housekeeper took a few maids to decorate the bonsai, and then they suddenly fell.

Foaming at the mouth, his complexion turned black.

Other servants also vomited.

Madam Shao, Xiao Tian died and died suddenly on the spot. I was so scared. "

Xia Weibao was struck by lightning, "How could this happen."

Xiao Tian is only 18 years old this year. She is innocent and one of her favorite little maids.

Why did he die suddenly?

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