Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1563: Lu Yuan's Catastrophe 3

Then Lu Hualiang...

Xia Weibao's heart snapped to her throat and grabbed the little maid's shoulders, "What about Mr. Lu, is there anything wrong with him!"

In a hurry, I suddenly felt a cold sight falling on his back.

Turning his head suddenly, I saw Lu Hualiang standing behind her at this time, looking at her with cold eyes.

Xia Weibao's heart just picked up suddenly returned to its original position.

I was in heaven and hell, and tears instantly blurred my eyes.

Pushing away the little maid, she plunged into his arms.


Scared her to death.

Lu Hualiang was still very angry at first, but she ran away without a trace after such a big incident happened at home, and the phone was turned off.

God knows how worried he is.

It was not easy to see the person, but she was hugging a maid.

Her heart was full of anger, but she crashed into his arms like a helpless little deer, knocking his heart soft.

Where is the gas?

Reached out and hugged the person, "It's okay, where did you go tonight."

"I... went back to the hospital, what the **** is going on."

Xia Weibao raised his head and wiped a tear.

Lu Hualiang raised his hand and gently wiped the tears from the corner of her eye, "What are you crying? I'm not dead yet."

Xia Weibao panicked, and hurriedly grabbed his hand, looking flustered, "Don't say such unlucky things!"

"Okay, I won't say, there was a large area of ​​poisoning in Lu Yuan tonight, and the cause is still being investigated."

The word poisoning pierced Xia Weibao's heart straight, causing her face to change.

Is it true that what the old man said is true?

That second uncle of her had done something to the people next to her!

"How is the situation now? Is there anything wrong with Mom and Shanshan."

Speaking of this, Lu Hualiang's complexion has never been more solemn.

"A maid and a gardener died. Forber and four maids were deeply poisoned and fell into a coma. They have been sent to the hospital for first aid.

Yan Fei was at the Presidential Palace, and he was fine.

The two mothers were slightly poisoned, vomited, and dehydrated, and they had been sent to the hospital for water.

Yuexian was moderately severely poisoned and passed out. The doctor said that he was not life-threatening.


"How is Shanshan!" Xia Weibao said again.

Lu Hualiang's throat was dry and his tone was gloomy, "I have been sent to the hospital, and I haven't gotten out of the dangerous period."

Xia Weibao's eyes went dark and almost fell. Lu Hualiang hurriedly helped him, "Be careful!"

"How can this be, why is it like this!"

Holding his sleeves tightly with both hands, Xia Weibao only felt a bolt from the blue.

"The cause is still being investigated, and I just came back."

Lu Hualiang's complexion was cold, and he shouldn't be angry with her.

If he were at home tonight, nothing like this would happen!

I quarreled with Xia Weibao last night. Today, he returned to the company early in the morning and worked crazy overtime at night.

Fight with her.

But I didn't want to wait until the news of Lu Yuan's accident instead of waiting for her call.

When I rushed back, everything was a foregone conclusion.

"Why don't you call me!"

He gritted his teeth and looked very ugly.

Others don't know that she knows how to heal. Didn't they know that Lu Hualiang Yan Lingyi? Why didn't they find her in the first place!

"You shut down."

Speaking of this, Lu Hualiang's face went dark.

He had been waiting for her call all day, but the one who was waiting was news of Lu Yuan's accident.

I called her and turned it off!

Xia Weibao hurriedly turned out the phone and pressed it a few times, "It's out of power..."

Lu Hualiang, "..."

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