Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1586: The big sister who slapped her face

She has always had the most beautiful face.

But now there is a woman who looks better than her and is younger than her.

This made her a little reluctant, who has always been aloof.

But soon, Xia Yongxuan raised her arrogant head again.

This is Xia's family, not in the entertainment industry, and eating on the face is not feasible.

The movement here did not affect the people in the depths.

At this time, Xia Chuyan was looking at the opposite woman with a weird expression.

Xia Weibao is really, subverting all her knowledge of beautiful women...

These beauties like piano, chess, calligraphy, song and dance tea come standard with entertainment, but they never touched them.

On the contrary, she is an internet addicted girl and a black hole in games.

Forget it, you are a beauty with a temperament like a fairy and a painting, and with such a noble identity, do you deserve that classical temperament if you don't eat some delicacies from the sea and mountains?

You actually eat spicy strips!

Forget about eating spicy strips, and nibbling on chicken feet, making tears while eating spicy food, but getting addicted.

She has such a down-to-earth physique that she bears it!

However, you have a weak face, a weak Liu Fufeng figure, but you kick the water pipe with one kick and bend the steel with one hand!

Kick the door around if you don't pay attention!

I opened a refrigerator door and scratched it upside down and unloaded the whole door directly!

You don't blink your eyes when you hit someone.

This is a bit unacceptable.

Also, even if you play the game giant pit, you still don't admit it!

Empress Empress was blushing, but she still refused to admit her poor skills.

"Second Sister, it’s really none of my business. It’s that the third sister’s number is poisonous, and the phone doesn’t work well. Look at her broken phone, she’s always stuck, playing a game of cards dozens of times, I can’t lose. ."

Xia Weibao was spitting wildly as he explained, and heard noisy footsteps behind him.

Turning his head to look, he saw a beauty who was all over the country and the city walking towards her under the stars and the moon.

Empress Empress’s first reaction was that this beauty could be a noble concubine in her harem!

The second reaction is, who is this person?

Looking at the attitudes of the people, and then at Xia Yongtong beside the beautiful woman, the empress is clear.

It is estimated that only the proud daughter of the Xia family, Xia Yongxuan, can have such a battle.

As I was thinking, Xia Chuyan's low voice came from her ears, "She is the eldest sister Xia Yongxuan, maybe the third sister has filed a lawsuit and came to trouble you.

You don't need to talk, just leave it to me. "

As soon as Xia Chuyan finished speaking, she heard Xia Weibao say to Xia Yongxuan.

"Eldest sister, is there anything to do with me."

The original lively Taolin, after the name eldest sister came out, was so quiet that only the sound of wind blowing through the treetops...

Xia Yongxuan's beautiful eyes widened unbelievably, big...sister? !

She was twenty-six years old this year, and she was called the eldest sister by a 21-year-old woman? !

Xia Weibao tilted her head, "Second Sister, did I call the wrong person? Isn't she my eldest sister?"

Xia Chuyan was embarrassed, "It's the eldest sister, but...we are all called the eldest sister..."

The title of elder sister is so old.


Xia Chuyan thought that Xia Weibao simply didn't hear the ambiguity, but when she saw the cunning under her eyes, she was a little bit dumbfounded.

Catch people, this little girl.

"The eldest sister doesn't sound good, just like your father, everyone is called Master Feng Da, not Master."

Xia Weibao nodded, expressing understanding.

Xia Yongtong couldn't stand her celestial sister being said, and her eyes flushed immediately.

"Xia Weibao, don't go too far!"

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