Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1587: Pretend to be a white lotus, the lady is a master

Xia Weibao blinked, "I'm just calling the eldest sister, who knows that you are all called eldest sister, and no one told me."

"You!" Xia Yongtong stomped angrily.

Xia Yongxuan pressed her shoulder to beckon her to stay safe.

Then he looked at Xia Weibao, "Fifth Sister, Third Sister said you robbed her of her phone, is it true?"

Xia Weibao raised his eyebrows and acted as the host when he appeared.

Xia Yongxuan was able to excel in the Xia family, and it was not without reason.

She got angry when she picked up the phone, took it out immediately, and threw it towards Xia Yongtong.

"What is robbing? Did you see the eldest sister with your own eyes? It's obviously the third sister who borrowed me to play."

"Puff......" Xia Chuyan couldn't help but laughed.

Then he straightened his face quickly, watching his nose and his heart, as if nothing happened just now.

Xia Yongtong took the phone and said, "You clearly grabbed it!"

"I grabbed it? Didn't you offer it with both hands? Oh, by the way, you also took the initiative to log in to the game account for me, second sister, did you say it?"

Xia Chuyan nodded, "It was indeed the third sister who landed, and then handed it to the fifth sister..."

It's just that Xia Yongtong's offering all his hands is threatened.

However, would she say these words?

Certainly not, anyone can distort the facts.

Xia Yongtong turned blue with anger, "That's because you threatened me!"

"Really, how did I threaten you?"

"You climbed the wall from the second floor to the third floor, grabbed my collar and jumped to the second floor, then beat me, and bent the back of the sun chair. If I don’t hand over the phone, you will definitely Hit me."

Xia Weibao shrugged when he heard the words, "San Jie, I know you don’t like me, you want to slander me, find a better excuse, climb up the wall, how to climb? I hid a ladder in the room .

Also jumped from the third floor to the second floor, you jump one to show me, if there is no lack of arms or legs, I will believe you.

As for the bent chair back, which is made of steel, you think I am the Hulk. "

These things are so unbelievable, how can ordinary people do it without internal strength.

There were only three people present at the time, and Xia Chuyan would not betray her.

Xia Yongtong's face was flushed red, but found that the people around her looked like an idiot.

"Climbing the wall? Jumping off the building? Breaking the back of the chair? Could it be that Yongtong's brain broke?"

"That's right, crazy talk. Although she used to be domineering, but she has a brain. What happened today."

"Who knows, Xia Weibao is not pleasing to the eye, after all, the appearance of Xia Weibao is the most unfavorable for the second uncle's line..."

Hearing what everyone didn't believe, Xia Yongtong went crazy, "What I said is true!"

Xia Weibao's complexion suddenly changed, and tears filled her eyes instantly, as if she was wronged.

"Sister, I know, I was not raised in this parent, and suddenly came back. You hate me, and you attacked me over and under. You opened my door, burst my water pipe, flooded my room, and gave me no place to sleep. Forget it, but...

But you can't slander my character. Obviously you gave me your mobile phone to play with, but in the end you said that I grabbed it and humiliated me in front of so many people.

What do people think of me? Everyone didn't wait to see me. If they left a domineering impression, wouldn't everyone be alienated?

Woo, I'm not right in the way of the eldest sister, and you can't bully people like this. "

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