Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1599: Xia Yongxuan's boyfriend

Suddenly I was a little curious about this Summer.

This person is not simple.

But still her dog emperor is powerful.

I think back then, the emperor of her family made a fortune and gave her as a dowry gift.

I am proud to think about it, she is the most powerful man!

"He founded the largest family in the West. This Summer should be very old? How could he be the boyfriend of the eldest sister?" Xia Weibao asked.

Xia Anwen looked sore again, yin and yang weird, "I don't know, Summer is less than 30 years old this year, okay? You think the eldest sister is you, so low-eyed!"

"My eyesight is low?" The queen empress pointed to her nose and suddenly wanted to defend herself!

Say that she can, and that her husband definitely can't!

"Isn't it, depending on who you are married to."

At this time, the fourth lady of the Xia family also ran out to speak, and gave Xia Weibao a sideways look, "Six sisters don’t say that, the fifth sister is married to the top wealthy."

Xia Anwen snorted and laughed, "Oh, the number one rich man, so amazing.

Bah, but he is the richest man in China, can he compare with Summer!

He is the richest man in the west, and that is the real richest man in the world, okay?

Oh, by the way, I heard that Lu’s Group was acquired by Yanxia Group some time ago.

Yoyo, Fifth Sister, your husband turned out to be just a running dog from Summer.

Hey, it's really pitiful. Yanxia Group's industry is all over the world. A small character like your husband is probably not worthy of even being in Summer's eyes.

But don't worry, after the eldest sister marries Summer and becomes the world's most powerful young grandmother, let her say a few words in front of Summer. Maybe your husband will be so prosperous. "

The others all chuckled slightly, their eyes looking at Xia Weibao slightly contemptuous.

The people here, who are not noble, will definitely marry a world-class giant in the future.

Xia Weibao is already married, and it is estimated that he married the worst of them.

The most beautiful, and the poorest married, it is really delightful.

It's not that the Lu family is poor, how could he be poor as the richest man in China.

It's just that the Lu Family is still a bit worse than those wealthy chaebols.

What's more, it is the Yanxia Group, the largest in the West.

Now Xia Weibao and Xia Yongxuan are the biggest competitors, but Xia Weibao's husband's family was acquired by Xia Yongxuan's boyfriend.

This kind of affiliation can be said to be quite humiliating.

Xia Weibao had already started to wrestle his wrists.

Xia Chuyan hurriedly pressed her down, "Don't be impulsive."

You have to control the five sisters, the patriarch’s election is coming soon, you must not cause trouble, otherwise you will be disqualified!

Xia Chuyan was angry, "You said enough is not enough, it is not certain whether the eldest sister and Summer are dating or not, so don't talk nonsense here."

Speaking of this, Xia Anwen is even more sour, "The eldest sister and Summer have been together very early, okay? This is an open secret. These elder sisters have been with Summer all the time outside."

Other people also talked about it.

"The eldest sister is so happy to have such a great boyfriend."

"I heard that the eldest sister knew him when she had nothing in Summer."

"Yes, yes, I've also heard of it. It is said that Summer was chased and killed by someone and almost died, and was saved by the eldest sister.

Then the two secretly fell in love. Summer founded the Yanxia Group for the sake of the eldest sister. Didn’t you notice that Summer, Summer, and the Yanxia Group are all Xia. This is using everything they own to confess to the eldest sister. What about her love, so infatuated, so romantic. "

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