Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1600: Empress reception Summer

"Summer is so kind to the eldest sister. She is willing to do everything for her. It's so touching..."

"Sister Wu, you can see it too, how infatuated Summer is for the eldest sister. If I were you, I would please the eldest sister more. Maybe Summer would take care of your husband's family more for the sake of the eldest sister..."

The empress sneered, she was about to say that Summer is so great, right? She climbed on her husband's head, right? She went to do him at night!

However, before she spoke, she heard someone say that the eldest sister was coming.

Xia Yongxuan's prestige in the Xia family is high, and now Summer is condescending and condescending for her, it is very likely to propose marriage.

So the status is even more extraordinary.

Everyone greeted kindly.

Xia Yongxuan said hello with a smile, polite, and then looked at Xia Weibao and Xia Chuyan.

"Second sister, fifth sister, grandfather told us to go there together and order something."

Xia Weibao was startled, why did she look for her.

I just saw that Xia Kun's account is 20-star King, and I'm trying to get to the pit, where is the time?

I didn't want to go, but Xia Chuyan was dragged away.

Looking at the back of the three of them, Xia Kun shook his head and said, "It seems that Grandpa picked the three of them."

Xia Anwen was mad, "Grandpa is sick, the eldest sister and the second sister have also recognized it, but Xia Weibao is a married woman, what kind of marriage!"

In Xia Jinsong's study, Xia Weibao, Xia Chuyan and Xia Yongxuan stood in front of the desk.

Looking at these three most satisfied granddaughters, Xia Jinsong was very pleased.

Worthy of being the daughter of the Xia family, excellent!

"I am calling you today because I have something to tell you."

Xia Yongxuan smiled and said, "Grandpa, please tell me."

Xia Jinsong stroked his beard, "I have invited a few people to witness this patriarch election, and I want you to be responsible for the reception."

The corner of Xia Yongxuan's mouth slowly bends, with a bit of shyness, this is indeed the case!

"Good grandpa, we will do our best to make guests feel at home."

Xia Weibao rolled her eyes in her heart, really robbing the scene, who is she? Why did she answer Xia Chuyan instead of her?

"Grandpa, can I not go." Xia Weibao said.

If Lu Hualiang knew that she was going to receive other men, it is estimated that the sea of ​​vinegar would flood Lu Yuan!

Don't go to this muddy water anymore.

Xia Jinsong's face sank suddenly, "Why, don't you even listen to Grandpa's words?"

"Grandpa, don't you want to get married? I'm married."

Xia Jinsong, "..."

Don't remind him of the sad fact.

"Who told you to push you to get married? Am I the kind of person who sells my granddaughter? I just let you entertain guests. After all, you are similar in age and have common topics."

Xia Jinsong said that his face was not red and his heart beat.

He is indeed planning a marriage. This is a rare and good opportunity. If he can win over these three forces, it will definitely be a great help for the Xia family!

However, he just created opportunities for them. As for success or failure, respect their wishes.

Xia Jinsong glanced at Xia Weibao. This granddaughter owes too much and wants to choose a good husband and wife for her.

Although it was not disclosed outside, he also received some news that Xia Weibao and Lu Hualiang divorced.

That being the case, why can't you pick a better one?

Xia Weibao wanted to say that she was 21 years old this year, nearly ten years behind the old man Summer.

The generation gap between the three-year-olds, summer and her three generation gaps, can be her grandfather.

"Okay, you will let the baby receive Summer." The best man is naturally reserved for the most precious granddaughter!

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