Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1602: Three men on a street 1

Long Xuanye!

How could it be him!

The first thought of the empress is, **** it! The lingering soul!

The second idea is to turn around and leave.

And the one who wanted to turn around and leave more than she was Yang Zixin, the young master of the Yang family.

What am I?

No wonder Long Xuanye, who has always ignored world affairs and liked quietness, would suddenly propose to visit the Xia family because of this woman!

Suddenly thinking that Summer is coming soon, Yang Zixin has the urge to cut his belly and commit suicide!

When he was in the imperial city, he helped Long Xuanye to anonymously report the two military research bases of the Yanxia Group to the Nanguo Group.

The Yanxia Group suffered heavy losses.

Then Summer went to the Yang family directly and asked the Yang family to compensate for the loss.

Because of that incident, his position as young master was almost lost.

After receiving the invitation from the Xia family, before he came, his father had already told him to apologize to Summer and must make peace with Yanxia Group.

Now it seems that we should not talk about reconciliation, and don't let the contradictions worsen, thank God!

Yang Zixin lowered his voice, "Brother Dragon, don't mess around. Xia Weibao is Summer's woman. If you make Summer upset again, my status as a young master is really not guaranteed, don't hurt me."

Long Xuanye set his gaze on Xia Weibao without speaking.

Xia Weibao reluctantly followed Xia Jinsong and stepped forward.

Xia Jinsong greeted him with a smile, "Young Master Yang, there is a long way to go."

Yang Zixin smiled bitterly, stretched out his hand and shook Xia Jinsong, "Clan Chief Xia, long admiring his name."

The two were polite, and Xia Jinsong glanced in Long Xuanye's direction, "This is..."

Such a temperamental, restrained man standing next to Yang Zixin again, he is definitely not an idler!

Especially the faint aura radiating from his body, even if Xia Jinsong issued orders all the year round, it was a bit frightened.

Long Xuanye was looking at Xia Weibao lost, when he was suddenly interrupted, his eyes a little cold.

But thinking that the person in front of him was Xia Weibao's grandfather in this life, he recovered his former Hexi.

Yang Zixin laughed and said, "This is Long Xuanye, my friend."

Long Xuanye proactively stretched out his hand towards Xia Jinsong, "Patriarch Xia, come here uninvited, it's so disturbing."

"Where, Mr. Long is too polite."

Long Xuanye politely said, then looked at Xia Weibao, "Miss Xia, long time no see."

Xia Jinsong frowned, "Mr. Long, do you know my granddaughter?"

Long Xuanye smiled dozingly, "Old knowledge."

Isn't it an old acquaintance, his little sister.

Xia Weibao rolled his eyes upright. Who knew you was an old acquaintance.

However, due to her face, she smiled politely.

While she was thinking about how to avoid it, the sound of a whistle suddenly came from ahead.

Everyone looked up, and saw a row of black luxury cars approaching.

Xia Weibao's understanding of modern luxury cars comes from Lu Yuan's garage.

However, the logos on the front of these luxury cars are not in Lu Yuan.

And the body is very heavy.

Could this be what she had heard of before, bulletproof car?

A long line of cars drove up neatly, and one of the longer ones stopped in front of her.

The front of the car was facing her diagonally.

The empress touched her chin, staring at the car logo eagerly.

I heard that the bulletproof car is very sturdy, and I don’t know if the logo can be buckled. I really want to try.

Thinking about it, the doors of other vehicles opened at the same time.

Everyone in the car got out of the car neatly, all wearing black suits with a pistol on their waist.

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