Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1603: Three men on a street 2

Empress Empress swept across the guns greedily, and it was a little itchy in her hands that she hadn't removed the guns for a long time.

Just thinking about it, I saw a person walking down in the passenger seat of the car ahead.

The man quickly walked around to the back seat and opened the car door.

When the car door opened, revealing the person sitting inside, Xia Weibao instantly took a breath.

The body takes a step back involuntarily.

The handsome face, the dark eyes, and the abnormally pale face.

It wasn't that she was violently beaten, washed his memory, took off his clothes and threw it in the woods for a night, who else is Nan Yi!

What am I?

What day today, I first met Long Xuanye, and now it is Nanyi.

All the people who don't want to see are all together!

Obviously, Nan Yi also saw her.

First frowned, then got out of the car.

The powerful Qi was strong, and then fell on Xia Weibao's body.

After all, the empress was a little guilty when she once stripped people with a pair of pants left.

Looking at the sky and watching the earth is just not daring to look at Nan Yi.

That posture seemed to be when Nan Yi was transparent and then looking at the scenery.

Realizing that Nan Yi's gaze had been falling on her, Xia Weibao's heart was up and down.

What do you mean by looking at her like this?

Did you recognize it?

Probably not, she is confident in her brainwashing technique and cannot recover.

It's just that I'm really nervous to be watched like this.

Nan Yi's eyes were deep, a few doubts passed between his brows.

Who is this woman?

Why is it so familiar.

If you have seen such a beautiful woman, you will never forget it, and it is impossible to have no impression at all.

Nan Yi's actions puzzled everyone.

Xia Jinsong's eyes darkened slightly, and his eyes moved back and forth between Xia Weibao and Nan Yi.

This situation is not quite right.

Does Nan Yi like Xia Weibao?


Although he wanted to marry the Nanguo Group, Nan Yi was extremely abnormal, and he didn't want to marry his precious granddaughter.

Alas, if Xia Weibao attracts people, it would be nice to be Summer.

He is a hundred satisfied with Summer.

Unfortunately, Summer and Xia Yongxuan are already together.

Nan Yi can't do it, then Young Master Yang...

Xia Jinsong's gaze turned towards Yang Zixin's direction.

By Long Xuanye's side, Yang Zixin's presence was much lower. Therefore, Xia Jinsong was the first to see Yang Zixin, but Long Xuanye.

This look really scared the elderly!

I saw Long Xuanye's face changed, this expression...

Ouch, let me go!

Another one who fell in love with his granddaughter!

His granddaughter is very popular.

It's just that these two men, Nan Yi is perverted, and Long Xuanye doesn't know each other, neither is the right person for the grandson-in-law.

What he likes most is Summer...


The old man sighed, and Xia Weibao's scalp was numb by Nan Yi's stare there.

"Have we met before?" Nan Yi asked.

"No." The Queen Empress was very upright.

"Since you haven't seen it, why don't you dare to look at me."

Long Xuanye was a little gloomy, he didn't want Xia Weibao to be targeted by Nan Yi.

It's just that if he stepped forward to relieve the siege now, perhaps Nan Yi would be more suspicious.

He wanted to step forward but didn't step out in the end. He believed that she would react accordingly.

Seeing Xia Weibao not answering, Nan Yi's eyes slowly narrowed, and the dangerous breath slowly spread.

"Why don't you answer, guilty?"

Xia Weibao glanced at him, then quickly looked away, "Do you want to listen to the truth or lies."

Nan Yi sank, "The truth."

"You are too ugly, hot eyes."

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