Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1604: Three men on a street 3

Nan Yi, "..."

Everyone, "..."

All the people from the Nanguo Group standing next to the car looked at her with worshipful and blind eyes.

Worship is because someone dares to scold their boss!

The courage is commendable, the method is not advisable!

Blindness is because you are really blind!

The boss's face is recognized as high!

Looking around the world, few can compete with my boss in terms of appearance!

It has always been the face value of the Nanguo Group, okay? Their Nanguo Group's beauty is supported by the boss alone!

He actually said that he was too ugly and his eyes were so hot!

Dead, this woman is dead!

Everyone can't bear to look straight, such a beautiful woman will definitely be cut apart by the boss!

Xia Jinsong was so scared that he almost fell off his presbyopic glasses, so he hurriedly took a step forward and protected Xia Weibao behind him.

Smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Nan, for taking the time out of his busy schedule to come here and be disappointed."

Just now, the sword was tense, and being interrupted by such a bit eased.

Nan Yi sneered and looked at Xia Weibao, "You are fine."

The strange tone of Yin and Yang made Xia Weibao very uncomfortable.

He went back, "I know I am fine, but I am already married, so don't fall in love with me."

After that, I added, "Don't be obsessed with sister, sister is just a legend."

Many Internet buzzwords came out many years ago, and it seems that Empress is already half a modern person.

Nan Yi was so stunned by her that she almost got angry!

Xia Weibao didn't care about him, he was angry with love, and it was not her who was angry with him anyway.

She was only a defeated man, and she was never afraid of Nan Yi.

In this world, apart from Lu Hualiang, she has never been afraid of anyone.

Was wondering whether she should provoke Nan Yi, and then drag him to the back mountain to defend herself.

It's been a long time since I moved my muscles and bones, I really want to defend myself once.

Just as she racked her brains, another row of luxury cars drove up.

A dozen black off-road vehicles in a row, not quite like off-road, exudes a cold light under the sun.

Well and orderly drove over.

Obviously there are only a dozen cars, but the momentum is like a mighty army.

Quite a bit overwhelming.

Empress Empress sighed, the pomp is really full.

Then subconsciously looked at the car logo, and found that there was no car logo!

No, so poor.

Fubo said at the beginning that the car logo is a car logo. Without a car logo, the car would be worthless.

These dozen or so cars looked very grand, but they were actually rubbish.

The open space in front of the Xia’s house is very large. The Yang’s and Nanguo Group’s cars have already been parked here, so the group that just arrived stopped in the front, a little far away.

When the car stopped, all the people in the other cars got off except for the one in the middle, plus the extended version.

Holding a heavy machine gun, and then surrounding the middle one.

Xia Jinsong only dared to walk as far as three meters away, not daring to move forward.

Seeing this battle, Xia Weibao frowned. Who, the show is so big.

In the passenger seat, a chiseled Western man came down, with deep eyes and three-dimensional features.

The white skin is even more transparent in the sun, and under the brown hair, there are a pair of amber eyes.

This is the first time Xia Weibao has seen eyes of this color. They are very beautiful.

This man is really handsome.

The man walked to the passenger seat and opened the door respectfully.

Xia Weibao was even more curious about the people inside.

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