Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1605: Three men on a street 4

This handsome western guy is handsome and powerful, he is actually just a subordinate, the master inside...

From the corner of Long Xuanye's eyes, seeing Xia Weibao curiously looking in the direction of the car, his eyes sank.

Came over quietly and stood behind her.

One step forward, there is only one punch left between the two, very close.

From outsiders, it was like he was hugging Xia Weibao from behind.

Xia Weibao looked inside with all his heart, and didn't care.

There are many people here, and it's normal for someone to stand beside her.

Without a dangerous breath, she would not pay attention.

The door opened, and a side figure appeared in front of everyone.

The pure black high-end handmade custom suits outline a noble and domineering atmosphere.

At the moment when he saw this side figure, Xia Weibao buzzed in his head and exploded.

This sideways, like Lu Hualiang...

I saw the man with a notebook on his knees, his fingers tapping quickly on the keyboard.

Although she is far away, the empress's eyes are so sharp that she recognizes at a glance that her hands belong to her husband!

His face turned pale, why did he come.

She left after leaving a divorce letter. He must be very angry now.

Xia Weibao was suddenly at a loss, like a kid who did something wrong, not knowing how to explain to the teacher.

In her confusion, the man in the car closed the computer, put it aside, and then stepped out a long leg.

The black leather shoes are polished brightly and are extremely noble.

Xia Weibao shook her hands together nervously, looking uneasy.

While she was thinking about how to face Lu Hualiang, the people in the car got off.

The clear outline, the deep facial features, the blue eyes with the domineering from the bones, wherever the eyes pass, dominate the crowd.

Yellow hair, white skin.

This is clearly a Westerner!

Xia Weibao was startled when he saw the man's western face.

how come!

This figure is so similar to Lu Hualiang, even his hands are so similar, but why is he a Westerner? ?

Is it disguise?

Carefully stared at the man's face for a long while, too far away, nothing could be seen.

Just when she was able to look at it, the man's gaze came over.

What kind of eyes are those, deep, domineering, cold, blue eyes like the ocean.

The beauty is dazzling.

She unexpectedly couldn't see any emotions in these eyes.

When the man's gaze touched her and Long Xuanye behind him, it almost dimmed invisibly, and then moved away.

Xia Weibao didn't understand even more. How could this person be so similar to Lu Hualiang?

Can't help but step forward.

Just approaching, I heard Xia Jinsong say, "Mr. Summer, welcome."

Xia Weibao opened his eyes and couldn't help but glance at the man again, it turned out that he was Summer.

He looks so handsome.

These big brothers, one or two not only look against the sky, but also their financial power and abilities are prohibitive, but also make people not live.

Xia Weibao has been staring at Summer, this figure is too similar.

The dressing style also seems.

Just this face...

The skin should look real, not disguised.

There was a touch of disappointment in my heart, it turned out that it was not him.

Could it be that she missed Lu Hualiang so much that she had hallucinations?

Unwillingly glanced at Summer's face again. The outline was clearer than Lu Hualiang, and his facial features were more three-dimensional than Lu Hualiang.

There is still a big difference between the faces of Westerners and Easterners.

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