Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1608: Dress like this, in what manner

Xia Weibao frowned fiercely, at home?

how is this possible!

Is it really because she misses too much and has hallucinations, so she has a sense of familiarity with a similar figure?

"Baby, are you still there, baby?" Lu Huashan's anxious voice came over the phone.

Xia Weibao returned to his senses, "Yes, Shanshan, are you sure that the one at home is really your brother."

"Sure, it's not who my brother is."

"Is there anything unusual about him lately?" She actually wanted to ask, could it have been reassigned...

"Yes, since you left, he looked for you for two days and three nights without sleeping or going home. He slept outside under the footbridge and squatted on the side of the road eating steamed buns. He didn’t take a shower for two days, and he became stinky when he was hungry and thin. It's so miserable.

After that, it was like a different person. I was depressed all day, either going to work or shutting myself up in the study day and night, not talking to us, and seldom eating with us.

He may want to use work to paralyze himself.

Baby, why did you divorce my brother? Is he bullying you? "

Xia Weibao's heart was tearing.

She still hurt him.

The eyes are a little sore, and there is an inexplicable urge to cry.

How sad it is for such a proud person to sleep at the bottom of the sky bridge and squat by the roadside eating buns.

It hurts to think about it.

She didn't want to do that step either.

But if you don't do this, how to sever the relationship and leave.

"Shanshan, how is Lu Yuan during this time?"

"Not good!" Lu Huashan's voice choked up instantly, "Everyone is not good."

"What's wrong!" Xia Weibao said sharply.

She left cruelly, just because she didn't want them to have trouble, didn't Xia Jingmin still let Lu Yuan go?

"You left without saying a word. Everyone is busy looking for you every day and can't eat or sleep. How could it be good."

Xia Weibao, "..."

Startled her.

Thought something happened again.

"Baby, where are you and when are you coming back? I miss you so much.

Is it because my brother is sorry for what you do? Even if you want to divorce him, there is no need to go. You can marry me. Although Huaxia cannot marry the same sex, other countries can do it. We can register in other places. If you don’t like same-sex marriages, then I can do **** reassignment surgery. I’m very casual, as long as you are happy..."

Xia Weibao wiped his sweat violently, and the more he talked, the more he became more boundless.

"I still have something to talk about next time."

Originally, I wanted Lu Huashan to explore the reality of Lu Hualiang at home, but now it seems that it's better to forget it.

The brain circuit of this sister paper seems to be abnormal.

If you can't start from Lu Yuan, you can only verify it yourself.

Lu Huashan was lost when she heard the busy tone coming from her mobile phone. She didn't know where she was, why she hung up.

"Inexplicable." Lu Huashan muttered.

So, what is Xia Weibao's call?

He ran to Lu Hualiang's study with two wool slippers.

It's not polite to knock on the door.

"Brother, open the door."

The door of the study room opened, and a tall man appeared at the door, looking at Lu Huashan's suspender nightdress, revealing her thin shoulders and the looming gap in her chest.

The skirt is very short, only to the thigh, a pair of long white and straight legs, stepped on two pink plush slippers.

Very homey and very sexy.

The man's eyes darkened, "How proper is it to run around like this."

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