Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1609: Lu Hualiang

Lu Huashan lowered her head and glanced at the equipment on her body, a little confused.

"I have a problem?"

It's a normal home dress.

"Have you seen anyone running around in a nightdress?"

Lu Huashan slid three black lines on her forehead, "This is my house..."

Have problems wearing night skirts at home?

Is it a normal dress to wear an evening dress at home?


"You are still polite if you dress so well."

Lu Huashan, angry!

"Where did I show up? Wearing a sling means showing up? Then I wear a backless outfit for various occasions. Isn't that in your eyes?"


Originally, I wanted to come and talk to him about Xia Weibao's call, but now I don't feel any mood.

Her brother was really stupid by the stimulation!

"You are not allowed to wear backless outfits in the future." The man thought for a while and added, "Slings are not allowed."

Lu Huashan, "..."

If you want to misappropriate a word from your baby, saying it may affect your image, but you still can't help it.

Damn, mentally retarded!

Seeing her face changed, the man's tone eased, "What can I do?"

"Sister-in-law just called me."

"Oh, then."

Lu Huashan frowned, looking at her brother's calm expression, she was a little puzzled, "Brother, finally there was news about my sister-in-law, why didn't you react at all?"

Suddenly I thought of what Xia Weibao said just now, is the one in Quejiading really her own brother.

Lu Huashan's breathing was suffocated. Could it be that her brother has been transferred? !

The man's eyes sank, "Such a cruel woman, her business has nothing to do with me in the future."

Lu Huashan looked more and more solemn, staring at his face thoughtfully.

"What else?" the man asked.

"Oh, it's okay."

After Lu Huashan finished speaking, she pulled up the neckline of her nightdress.

It's normal to wear a nightdress and run at home. Anyway, there are maids, and male gardeners rarely come here.

If it's a real brother, it doesn't matter, I haven't seen anything when I was young, just a nightdress, and no dew point.

However, if this person is not her brother, then gouging!

"I still have a call to return, I'm leaving now."

When Lu Huashan finished speaking, she turned her head and ran.

Seeing her hurrying away from the back, the man's eyebrows gradually darkened.

Back in the room, Lu Huashan's heartbeat was fast, and there was a panic on her face.

Is the man just now her brother?

If so, why didn't he respond to Xia Weibao's news.

If not, who is he?

Where did her brother go, was he killed?

When I thought of this possibility, sister Shanshan's eyes reddened and her tears splashed on the ground. Brother, you died so miserably...

At night, Xia Weibao was not sleepy.

Lying on the bed in a mess, she got up immediately after the early morning bell.

When the night is black and wind is high, when murder and arson...Oh no, when it is sneaking.

Turning over his black clothes and putting on them, Xia Weibao jumped down from the window. When he was halfway through the jump, he suddenly remembered that this is the 21st century, not ancient times. You don't need to wear black clothes when you travel at night.

And she is climbing her husband's wall, not stealing people, why should she behave like a thief.

So he jumped halfway up and climbed up the wall.

Go back to the room and change a dress.

After thinking about it, if it was confirmed that that person was Lu Hualiang, he would never admit it.

It's not the first time this kind of thing happened. He didn't admit it when he pretended to be an instructor and Han Luoqi.

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