Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1614: Xia Weibao is sick

Xia Chuyan smiled and said, "I heard that Nanguo Group's car was picked up by someone and wanted to go and see it. Who knew Nanyi was furious, so I didn't dare to get into trouble, so I just left and just passed by here."

While speaking, he watched Summer's face.

The man did not respond, it seems that the car logo was not made by his people.

It was even more certain that it was Xia Weibao.

Xia Chuyan flashed her eyes, then smiled and opened the basket, saying, "By the way, I made some peach blossom cakes with Wumei last night. I wanted to bring them to Nanyi, but I didn't dare to go in. Would you like to try it? taste?"

While speaking, he handed the peach blossom pastry to Summer.

Then he said, "These are all made by Wumei. It took a long time to teach her. I think it tastes good."

Lu Hualiang's eyebrows sank, Xia Weibao did it?


She had never made pastries for him in the two lifetimes together, but now she actually makes them for other men!

The more I thought about it, the more angry I really wanted to shake the peach blossom cake in front of me.

However, how willing.

After hearing Xia Chuyan's words, Xia Yongxuan's expression sank, "Second sister, Summer doesn't eat peach blossom cakes, you..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the man’s well-knotted fingers, gently picking up one of them, putting it to his mouth, and savoring it carefully.

That look, as if this is a delicacy in the world.

Xia Yongxuan's complexion changed.

Xia Chuyan's eyes flashed a few times, then lowered.

It turned out so.

She guessed right, the person Summer liked was not Xia Yongxuan, but Xia Weibao!

Xia Yongxuan looked embarrassed, "Summer, didn't you say that you don't like peach blossom crisps?"

The man still did not answer her, and ate very quietly and religiously.

After a while, a plate of peach blossom cake bottomed out.

Xia Chuyan was a little guilty. If she let this man know that this plate of peach blossom cake was not made by Xia Weibao, but she asked the chef to make it. I wonder if it would come out...

However, it is a worthwhile trip to try to find that Summer likes Xia Weibao.

He glanced at the bottom plate, thoughtfully.

"It's rare that Mr. Summer likes Wumei's craftsmanship. I still have some over there. I knew I had brought them all.

Would you like Mr. Summer to go back with me and I will show it to you? "

Xia Yongxuan's complexion changed, Ling Li's eyes shot at Xia Chuyan, "Second sister, who is Summer? How can you please move? What a big tone!"

Xia Chuyan smiled mildly, and said indifferently, "Sorry, I was abrupt, how can I bother Mr. Summer driving, or I will send it to you later?

But it may be a long time, Wumei is sick, I have to go back to give her medicine. "

Lu Hualiang's complexion changed. Is she sick?

how come!

Could it be last night...

Thinking of when he threw Xia Weibao downstairs last night, her clothes were all wet, and it was cold at night, even if she was wearing a bath towel, she was likely to be frozen.

Lu Hualiang regretted it.

Even if you are angry, you can't throw her downstairs.

He was suddenly agitated, and he didn't know how she was now.

I really want to see it. However, his current identity is Summer, and Summer and Xia Weibao don't know each other, so they cannot reveal their identity.

As if seeing his concern, Xia Chuyan's mouth slowly bends.

Say in a timely manner, "I have to take care of the fifth sister, and may not have time to deliver the cakes. Should Mr. Summer send someone to pick it up with me?"

Lu Hualiang stood up, "I have nothing to do, I will go."

Xia Yongxuan's expression completely changed.

Seeing Xia Chuyan's eyes slowly narrowed.

Xia Chuyan responded with a smile, her gentle and well-behaved eyes, with a touch of disdain and provocation.

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