Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1615: Who gave the aphrodisiac 1

Those eyes seemed to say, eldest sister, your boyfriend, it seems that you don't care about you.

With a naked provocation, Xia Yongxuan's fingers on the stone table turned white.

Okay, you Xia Chuyan, who is the only one who promises to make a promise, I didn't see that she had this thought!

Grab a man with me, and you deserve it too!

Xia Yongxuan and Xia Chuyan lived in the same yard, so naturally they came back together.

There was also Lu Hualiang's deputy Neil, and the four came to the courtyard where Miss Xia lived.

Lu Hualiang has long legs and hurried steps. Xia Chuyan and Xia Yongxuan have to run to keep up.

When they returned to the yard, thin sweat oozes from their foreheads.

Xia Chuyan was slanderous, it seems that Summer is more than just interested in Xia Weibao.

"Mr. Summer, please sit down and wait, I'll go up to see Wumei, and then I will get you pastries."

Lu Hualiang glanced upstairs, his steps moved, and finally restrained.

Sit down on the sofa.

Xia Yongxuan sat down on the same sofa with him, but three places apart.

She knew that this man didn't like women being close.

After a while, footsteps came upstairs.

Lu Hualiang looked up and saw Xia Weibao stepping down the stairs with Xia Chuyan's support.

Her face became much paler, and her rosy lips were now bloodless.

Wearing thick clothes, his hair is a bit messy, with a thick morbid state.

Lu Hualiang's heart hurts.

Last night, I was still alive, climbing trees and jumping windows. Why didn't I see them all night, they became so haggard.

Xia Weibao naturally saw him too, first for a moment, then his eyes fell on Xia Yongxuan next to him.

The anger went up.

Damn it!

Bring a woman over to demonstrate!

Don't let her confirm that he is Lu Hualiang, otherwise he won't be stripped of his skin!

The empress empress, who was just too ill and couldn't even walk, was irritated and refreshed!

Pushing Xia Chuyan away, she raised her head and walked down.

If you lose, don't lose!

When he walked to Lu Hualiang, he said with a smile, "Oh, what brought the famous Mr. Summer over."

Lu Hualiang pursed his lips, "Miss Xia is full of breath, not like she is sick."

"I just got a little irritated, and now I feel full of energy, I want to kick and break a few legs for fun."

He kicked your third leg!

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Suddenly feel cold underneath.

Don't talk anymore, don't mess with her, it's difficult to coax.

It is harder to coax than it was a thousand years ago.

Xia Weibao snorted coldly. He wanted to sit down beside him, but he couldn't get angry.

I was thinking of sitting down opposite, but I didn't want to be held down by someone.

Xia Chuyan directly pressed her to the position next to Lu Hualiang, and smiled, "Sister Wu, sit down first, and I will give you medicine."

Suddenly, Xia Weibao could not sit still, Lu Hualiang stretched out his hand to help, and quickly let go.

The two sat very close together, so to speak.

Lu Hualiang knew that according to Summer's identity, he should push her away at this time, and then shake his hand to leave.

However, it cannot be done.

Want to be close to her, want to hug her, reluctant to push her away.

So the two were in a stalemate.

Xia Yongxuan's eyes are about to fall out!

how is this possible!

Isn't Summer not letting women get close!

She once rescued him, and he didn't let her come close, why could Xia Weibao sit next to him!

And he just gave her a hand.

Xia Yongxuan had a strong sense of crisis, it seems that she should be more guarded, not Xia Chuyan, but this Xia Weibao!

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