Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1669: Police Demolition 2

It's strange, why didn't Lu Hualiang come to look for her after she didn't return overnight?

With his animality, she hasn't come to her aunt now, so it's impossible not to sleep with her at night?

If it is discovered that she is missing, it is impossible for him to find out that she is in prison.

Why don't you come to save her?

I couldn't figure it out, and I was so hungry that I didn't want to.

It doesn’t matter if you live here for two days anyway.

However, waiting left and right, when she was hungry until her chest was pressed against her back, no one came to deliver the meal.

Empress Empress, "..."

She might be cheated...

Grabbing the iron fence, shouting to the outside, "Hey, the meal is here, why haven't the meal been served yet."

"I'm so hungry, don't you guys say that they make rice."

"Liar! Big liar!"

After calling for a long time, no one answered, the empress finally accepted the reality in despair, and sure enough, all the prisons in the world did not include food!

Look up, want to catch a spider, and then use a fire to roast it.

However, there is not even a spider web.

Xia Weibao, "..."

The sanitation is so clean that she actually cut off her food!

"Hey, why isn't the woman inside? She was half-dead just now." Policeman A glanced back, but don't starve to death.

Police B shrugged, "Maybe he's tired of shouting."

"We really don't give her food? In case something goes wrong with hungry, this is not a joke."

"It's okay. It's only noon, and I won't die if I'm hungry for a meal or two. I told her not to give her food. Don't you dare to listen?

"Why don't we go take a look, I always feel a little uneasy." Police A was very nervous.

In the morning, I was so angry that I was about to rush out to fight, but now there is no sound.

A little flustered.

In the unlikely event that human lives were taken, the responsibility is also theirs.

"It's okay, have you seen anyone who died without eating two meals? Okay, if you are really worried, then we will go in and see."

The two came to the door of the cell and looked at the iron door from a distance, almost not shocked.

The door! Such a big and strong door!

The two looked at each other, anticipating something was wrong, and hurried in.

However, when I saw the situation in the cell, I was almost not scared to death by the situation in front of me!

I saw that all the floor tiles in the cell were pried apart.

Several holes were knocked through the wall. The prisoners in the two cells next door shivered with fear and shrank from the corner of the wall and did not dare to escape.

These are not the most terrible.

The most frightening thing is that the woman was sitting on the side of the bed, holding an iron rod in her hand, breaking the mosquito coil!

That's right, it was the iron railing on the cell door, which was taken down and broken into mosquito coils!

On the ground, I threw several such iron mosquito coils, all of them were bent by life!

That pillar is steel, solid steel, and it was broken as noodles for fun!


Are they blind!

Seeing someone coming, the dejected Queen Empress smiled and suddenly sat upright.

"Big brother, are you here to deliver the meal? When will the meal be served? I'm so hungry that I have no energy."

Police A: "..."

Police A: "..."

Silently glanced at the iron mosquito coils that had been thrown on the ground several times, the words she had just said appeared in her mind, she was so hungry that she was too weak...

There was a sudden chill.

This is called lack of strength, so what is called strength?

"You, you...what are you doing!"

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