Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1670: Police Demolition 3

The empress is very innocent, "I haven't done anything, I'm bored, just have some fun by myself."

What can she do without a mobile phone to play games.

"Why do you want to demolish the prison!" Policeman A shouted in a trembling voice.

"Take down the prison? I didn't."

She has always been a good citizen who keeps herself safe and has never committed any crimes.

Otherwise, he would have run away.

How could a prison trap her.

"No? What's the matter with these floor tiles!"

"Well, who told you not to deliver food, I was hungry, so I wanted to see if there were any mice, cockroaches, etc., but I lifted the floor all over, but none was caught.

I said, elder brother, do you include food? "

"No package! You have demolished the cell. What else are you going to package... package, we will provide food, and the food must be packaged."

The queen mother straightened the iron rod that had just been bent in her hand, "That's right."

She has to be rough.

Shengsheng broke off a circle of iron mosquito coils so badly, "By the way, when is the meal?"

"There is no rice, I have sent someone out to buy rice, and I will cook when I buy it."

Xia Weibao was stunned. In the current prison, do you have to cook your own food? It's so hard.

"Actually, I can eat takeaway. You can order one for me."

"How can this work? The takeaway is so unhealthy. Our prison is very humane. The meals are made by ourselves, absolutely green food."

"Oh, hurry up, I'm starving to death."

The two policemen ran away quickly.

It's terrible. Is that woman, the Hulk reincarnated, so strong!

The empress kept waiting. This time, it was time for dinner, but no one came to deliver the meal.

She was so angry that she wanted to go out and argue with those people, she didn't have any integrity!

She said she was going to make a meal, but she fooled her again.

I haven't eaten anything for a whole day, abuse!

No, I can't wait any longer, she wants to go out to theory!

However, as soon as I wanted to go out, I saw that two police officers had just come in again, with a person behind.

Xia Weibao's eyes were happy, "Second Sister, why are you here!"

Xia Chuyan almost cried when she saw her pale little face.

However, when I saw the empty door behind her, and then looked at the iron rod that was not decently bent on the ground, all of my distress was suddenly cut off.

I don't know what kind of expression to put on.

Swallowing hard, it seems that her worry is a little redundant...

"Second sister, second sister, what are you holding in your hand, it looks so fragrant."

Xia Weibao stared at the lunch boxes in her hand, and all the gluttons were hooked out.

I was hungry at first, but now I smell the smell of rice and I am even hungry.

Xia Chuyan returned to her senses, "Last night you didn't return all night, I was very worried. I have been looking for you all day, and if I heard you were arrested, I quickly came to see you and brought you something to eat."

"Second sister, you are so kind to me, you don't know, there is no food in it, they want to starve me to death!"

While talking, he dragged people in.

There were no tables and chairs in the cell, only a bed.

The two sat by the bed, Xia Weibao had a meal.

Xia Chuyan looked at the dismantled prison cell, very puzzled, "Five sister, your cell...looks different from others."

"I caught the mouse and dismantled it."

Xia Chuyan, "..."

Strong, just one word!

"How did you get caught?"

Xia Weibao shrugged, "I don't know. They said that I sold bombs, and they also reported indiscriminately to defraud the police.

By the way, second sister, what about Summer. "

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