Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1674: Mr. Lu's welfare 2

It was his fault.

It was he who spoiled her lawlessly, but he didn't protect her.

It's all his fault.

Never again. This kind of thing made him regretful once.

Xia Weibao buried her head in his arms, crying.

Tears soaked his sportswear, like boiling water, burning his skin.

Holding her hand tightened again, as if to embed her in the bone marrow, "I'm sorry."


When he brought her into the palace that year, he said that he would protect her from life to life.

However, he failed.

In the previous life, he took her life with a glass of poisoned wine, but in this life he put her in this dangerous place and suffered this kind of suffering.

He promised her, but he didn't do anything.

"Sorry, I won't do it again, never again."

Xia Weibao raised his head, "Why are you here?"

Fortunately, he came. If he didn't come, she really didn't know what to do in that situation.

Lu Hualiang touched her head gently, "That bar is under my name, and someone reports it."

Yanxia Group has power all over the world, and that bar is its industry.

As soon as he arrived in T city, all the person in charge of the bases had already come to meet him, and he had also given privileges.

During his stay in city t, all the person in charge of the bases here can directly contact him.

Therefore, when someone reported the news, the person in charge of the bar had already reported to him.

He ordered people to call up all the surveillance, and then hurried back.

Only then arrived in time.

Lu Hualiang's arms kept tightening, and the more he thought about it, the more he was afraid.

"Don't worry, this matter..."

"You don't need to worry about this!" Xia Weibao said eagerly.

Lu Hua's cold face instantly became cold.

Xia Weibao also noticed that his tone was a little heavier just now, so he slowed down, "This matter is a dispute within the Xia family. During the campaign period, I can calculate each other. It was my carelessness to get caught.

I will solve it myself, you don't need to worry about it "

Lu Hualiang was unmoved, staring straight at her, as black as ink.

People can't see the emotions in his eyes, but can feel hostility floating.

Really as she said, is this just a struggle within the Xia family.

Still, she wanted to protect that man.

Seeing that he was unhappy, Xia Weibao was really afraid that he would impulsively execute all the personnel involved.

With his domineering and cold personality, it is definitely something he can do.

Xia Weibao grabbed his sleeve with one hand and begged, "Don't worry about this, let me fix it, okay."

Lu Hualiang looked indifferent and looked at her eyes with heartache and disappointment.

"Eat first, you slept all day and night."

"You promise me first."

"I said eat first!" Lu Hualiang's tone worsened, shaking his hand hard.

Xia Weibao was weak at this time. When he slammed it like this, his body fell back and lay on the bed.

The pain turned pale.

Lu Hualiang was frightened and lifted the person up in a panic, "How is it? Where did it hurt."

"I'm fine." Xia Weibao looked at him pleadingly, "husband, when I beg you, don't interfere in this matter, okay."

Lu Hualiang's heart was stabbed fiercely, "Okay."

In front of her, he has always only compromised.

"First eat something."

Lu Hualiang picked up the bowl and fed her soup.

Xia Weibao opened her mouth docilely and sipped the soup, but carefully observed the man's expression in her eyes.

"You're angry?"


After speaking, he stopped speaking.

The powerful cold air envelops the entire room.

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