Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1675: In her heart, there is someone

Xia Weibao didn't dare to come out, for fear that he would be offended again.

After eating, he lay down again.

Lu Hualiang pushed the dining car out of the door, turned back to the room, tucked the quilt for her, "Sleep again, his face is too bad.

I went to the balcony to deal with some things and called me when something happened. "

Turned around and wanted to leave.

A small hand stretched out from the bed and gently grasped his hem.

Lu Hualiang lowered his head, glanced at the white and delicate little hand, and then at the woman with a small head sticking out of the bed.

No words.

Xia Weibao pursed her lips and said nervously, "Are you angry?"


"Sleep with me."

"I still have official duties..."

"I'm afraid."

In a word, all his excuses were blocked.

Lu Hualiang brought the computer and leaned on the bed.

Xia Weibao lay down, raised his eyes to look at him, and then moved like a bug, lying on his lap flatteringly.

Lu Hualiang, "..."

He sighed silently and reached out to hug the person.

Work with one hand, and gently run her hair with the other.

She always does this, and she doesn't even give him a chance to sulki.

"Why are you angry?" Xia Weibao asked.

Lu Hualiang was a little irritable. He felt a sulky breath in his heart, and he couldn't vent it.

I wanted to get angry at her, but seeing her innocent look, I couldn't make it out.

"It's nothing."

Xia Weibao's clear eyes were blank and innocent.

"Are you mad at me to go to the bar?"


"Is that angry that I was not careful and followed the way of others? This time it was my carelessness. I promise that I will be careful in the future."

"Sleep, aren't you tired."

"Why are you angry, husband, what are you saying, can you tell me, I am not the roundworm in your stomach, I can't guess what you are thinking."

Is it right? Are you angry that I am protecting the second sister. "

Lu Hualiang suddenly put down the computer in his hand, staring at her gloomily, "Are you just trying to protect Xia Chuyan."

"Otherwise, who else is there."

Lu Hualiang only felt an unknown fire simmering in his chest, almost burning his internal organs.

However, looking at her innocent and blank look, all the anger in the end turned into a sigh.

Forget it, she doesn't understand.

"Go to sleep, I will sleep with you."

The computer was closed, and no official duties were handled anymore, and he lay down with his arms around him.


"go to bed."

Seeing him getting angry, Xia Weibao dared not speak any more.

I don't know how long I had toss with him yesterday, anyway, looking at the hickey marks on her body, the battle should be fierce.

Even if I slept all day and night, I was still so tired that I didn't want to move a finger.

The man's hand gently patted her on the back, very gentle and cherished.

After a while, sleepiness struck, and Xia Weibao fell asleep groggyly.

Looking at the peaceful face in his arms, breathing is even and carefree.

It's like lying in a safe haven, tranquility and simplicity.

Lu Hualiang was a little lost, raised his hand and gently stroked her face.

His eyes were far-reaching, and he sighed and disappeared silently in the room.

"Perhaps, even you don't know that there is another man in your heart."

This is the real reason for his suffering.

Even if it is amnesia, she still has no sense of security.

Xia Weibao spent five days in the hotel before Lu Hualiang let her go out.

Appointed Xia Chuyan to meet at the coffee shop.

In the quiet compartment, Xia Weibao held a small spoon in his hand and stirred slowly.

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