Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1693: That is my wife!

Xia Weibao was startled at the time.

Shenma situation!

Did she go to the wrong door? Why are there so many strangers at home.

Until the familiar cold tone came from behind the dozen people, "Get out of the way!"

More than a dozen people took away their guns, and then stood in two rows neatly and uniformly, standing on both sides.

That posture is more neat than the standing military posture!

After everyone moved away, the man sitting on the sofa was revealed.

She was cold and arrogant, but when she saw the image of her wife, the black African girl, the corners of her eyes twitched.

I stood up suddenly, "What's the matter."

Seeing the closest person, Xia Weibao looked like an aggrieved child outside. Two lines of clear tears flowed down, washing her black face out of two white streams.

Everyone, "..."

Don't cry, what an ugly image.

The empress was full of grievances, "My husband, someone is bullying me."

Everyone behind him, "..."

Old...husband? !


I have long heard that their master raised a woman next to him, and I heard that she was divorced.

They only acted as the master for fun, how come they even called their husbands!

Everyone is still tall and straight like pine and cypress, but their eyes can't help aiming in Xia Weibao's direction.

I want to see what this woman who makes their master fascinated looks like.

But don't want to...

It was too dark to see clearly, except for two eyes and teeth, it was all ash at the bottom of the pot.

Oh no, and the two streams on the face are also white.

Lu Hualiang stepped up to her and looked up and down nervously, "Who is bullying you."

This look, you don't need to think about it, it must be playing with a bomb, and blow yourself up.

The empress was very embarrassed and her face was reddish.

Fortunately, she turned into a little African black man at this time, and she couldn't see the expression.

"The five bombs you gave are too disobedient. I took them to bomb people, but they also bombed me. Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise you would not see me."

Everyone behind him, "..."

It’s amazing to blow yourself up by playing a bomb!

Also, what did she just say?

Did she run fast?

Apart from his master and Nan Yi in this world, is there anyone who can be faster than a bomb?

She deserves to be the woman his master looks after, the brain circuit is really extraordinary!

In the room, Xia Weibao was sitting on the sofa. Lu Hualiang took a hot towel to help her clean the stains on her face and asked about the cause and effect of the incident.

Xia Weibao probably said everything.

After listening to Mr. Lu, "..."

"Why do you put the bomb at a distance of five meters."

So close, who wouldn't she blow up?

Fortunately, he was not worried about her fearless temperament this day, for fear that she accidentally detonated when she broke the bomb, so he gave the worst bomb.

She could escape by chance. If he were to give an atomic bomb, hehe, he might be looking for her in the next life.

However, although it is the worst bomb, but five of them explode together, the power is not trivial!

Xia Weibao blinked a pair of big watery eyes, "I'm afraid that I'm too far away and the remote control will fail."

She does not understand these modern high-tech.

In her impression, the bombs were detonated at close range.

So I didn't dare to go too far away. I was a little worried about failure at a distance of five meters.

Lu Hualiang, " can detonate half the earth..."

Although it is the least powerful, remote control is the best.

Empress Empress, "..."

Why didn't you say it earlier!

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