Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1694: The person you called is not me 1

It made her almost killed!

Seeing her clean white and tender face, fortunately it didn't hurt, Lu Hualiang's eyebrows sank, "Who are you going to blow up?"

Xia Weibao didn't hide it, since she can't kill, let him kill!

Why don't you have a backer?

"Long Xuanye." When he said the name, a murderous look flashed past his eyes.

That man is terrible!

It has caused a strong sense of threat to her, and she has to get rid of it!

Lu Hualiang obviously didn't expect it to be this name, he was startled, and then his heart trembled.

"Why kill him."

Isn't the person in her heart Long Xuanye?

I have to say that he was happy to hear that she wanted to kill Long Xuanye.

"I think he affected my family harmony."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the man in front of him with a bit of bitterness.

It wasn't because he was too jealous, she had said that it had nothing to do with Long Xuanye, he had to be jealous every day.

Can't he be angry once, she's the last time she's a beauty?

Do you want a small waist?

For the sake of peace in the future, let's kill it.

Keeping is always a curse.

Lu Hua Liang hooked her mouth and touched her head, "Leave this to me."

The empress's eyes flickered, "Husband, who is Long Xuanye, I think he is very mysterious."

Mentioning this, Lu Hualiang's expression also became serious, "I don't know, I have been sending people to investigate."

However, there is no clue.

This person's apparent identity is fake, only one name, not even where he was born.

It's like coming out of thin air.

If he was just an ordinary person, he had always sent people to chase and kill Long Xuanye overtly and secretly, but none of the killers sent out succeeded.

And several died.

How could it be an ordinary person who can avoid the Yanxia Group's investigation!

However, he checked all the major forces in the world, and there was no information about this person.

It is estimated that the only person who knows the identity of Long Xuanye is Yang Zixin.

It's a pity that Yang Zixin and him are not the same, and they can't ask.

Xia Weibao frowned, "Is it that mysterious?"

Lu Hualiang raised his hand and rubbed her eyebrows, "No matter how mysterious people are, there will be the day when they see the sun. Leave this to me, don't think too much about it."

He paused, his eyes gloomy, "As long as you stay by my side, I'm not afraid."

Xia Weibao rolled his eyes to the sky and hugged his neck with both hands, "Where can I go if I don't stay with you?"

What had she done actually made him so distrustful of her.

I thought about it and did nothing.

After two lifetimes, she was the only man in her heart, and he was the only man beside her.

I have never done anything to apologize to him, even without even looking at other men.

Why is he still so flustered.

"The emperor, are you so insecure towards me? I haven't done anything to betray you a thousand years ago or now?"

Lu Hualiang was a little lost, and said half jokingly, "You called another man's name in your dream."

Xia Weibao, "..."

Rolled his eyes again, "Is that Huang Shang you talked about last time?"


You haven't recovered your memory before, so you don't need to believe that Huang Shang is you, but now you have all thought of it. Are you still jealous? "

He stretched out an index finger and poked his chest very solemnly, "Everyone said that the emperor is you, you, and you!"

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