Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1722: HIV patients

Seal it, leaving two small holes in it that can accommodate a hand.

In front of the two of them, the person who came by pushing the box shook the box to make sure that the sign inside was not placed in advance.

Then, both of them reached in at the same time.

The box was a bit big, and when I first reached in, my hands were hanging in the air.

Xia Yongxuan stretched his hand directly to the end, drew a lottery and stretched it out.

Xia Weibao glanced at her, and continued to stretch her hand down. When her fingertips touched the bottom of the box, she touched left and right. Only then did she touch a bamboo stick and pull her hand out.

She drew A and Xia Yongxuan drew B.

The two took the patient away and returned to their villa.

Since it was the last round of competition, the requirements were naturally very strict. To prevent cheating, everyone was given a villa.

The villa is monitored 24 hours a day, and there are people recording the treatment process.

Before the end of the competition, Xia Weibao, Xia Yongxuan, and the two patients were not allowed to step out of the villa.

There will be someone responsible for what medicinal materials need to be used.

Xia Weibao took the patient back to the villa and let her sit on the sofa.

Then he poured her a glass of water and sat down.

The two faced each other, and Xia Weibao carefully observed the patient sitting opposite.

It was a woman about twenty-seven and eighteen years old. She was thin and delicate.

My skin is a bit dark, my hands are full of calluses, and my living conditions should be poor.

His face was pale and looked extremely weak.

"What's your name." Xia Weibao asked.

"My name is Jiang Li." The woman looked up at Xia Weibao, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she lowered her head.

"Why, dare not look at me?" Xia Weibao laughed.

Jiang Li raised his head and smiled shyly, "Doctor, what's your name?"

"Xia Weibao."

Jiang Li opened his mouth, "Superstar Xia Weibao! Oh my God, it's really you."

Although Xia Weibao is from Huaxia, he has a great reputation. Even Xia Guo has many people who know her, and many people like her.

Jiang Li doesn't chase stars, because there is no money to buy peripherals and she can't chase them.

For her before she fell ill, it would be nice to have enough to eat, and there is no time to chase stars.

After being sick, apart from despair, there is despair, let alone chasing stars.

But many of her former colleagues like Xia Weibao, so she also knows some.

So Jiang Li said excitedly, "Miss Xia, I am your fan, are more beautiful than on TV."

And so good temperament!

Xia Weibao chuckled, "Really, you are also very cute."

The word cute has too broad meaning. If you can’t praise a woman for being beautiful, use the word cute, which is universal.

Jiang Li smiled shyly, lowered her head hurriedly, pretending to be embarrassed by the idol.

But she was playing drums in her heart. She pulled Xia Weibao to talk like this. Xia Weibao shouldn't be able to see what illness she has.

After all, she has not been suffering from HIV for a long time, and she is very careful not to get infected, and she has no complications.

Except for the weaker appearance, there are no symptoms.

"I will be responsible for your condition during this period, and I also ask Miss Jiang to cooperate." Xia Weibao said.

Jiang Li was a little guilty. He raised his head and glanced at Xia Weibao, then dropped, "Okay, Miss Xia, you can call me Xiaoli, everyone calls me like that."

"Okay." Xia Weibao said with a smile, with a good temper.

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