Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1723: Mr. Lu is climbing the bed again

She picked up the water on the table and took a sip.

Then he looked at Jiang Li, "Don't be nervous and relax with a glass of water."

"Oh, okay." Jiang Li picked up the water, maybe because there was a ghost in her heart, her hand shook slightly, and a little bit of water spilled out and splashed on the back of her hand.

Xia Weibao smiled and handed a tissue, "Why are you so careless."

Jiang Li smiled awkwardly, then stretched out his hand to take the tissue that was handed over.

The hand on the other side of the tissue is very white and beautiful. Jiang Li is an uneducated person, and can't find any good adjectives to praise these hands. There is only one sentence in his mind that is really beautiful.

Look at my hands again, they are thin, black, and callous, they look dirty.

This made her feel a little inferior and unbalanced.

The same people, why is the difference so big?

Looking at this villa again, the wealthy people are different, just a test, two empty villas can be used as venues.

As for her, the family was forced to live in a dilapidated mud house in the country, without even a single room.

Jiang Li looked at such glamorous Xia Weibao with jealousy in her heart.

Thinking of Xia Yongxuan's instructions, she felt a little nervous.

Xia Weibao had been observing the patient in front of him quietly, and suddenly said, "What kind of disease do you have, have you checked before."

Her voice frightened Jiang Li, who was lost, raised her head in a panic, and then quickly lowered.

"No... the family is poor and has no money to see a doctor."

Xia Weibao raised his eyebrows, "In that case, I will get your pulse first."

Jiang Li was even more nervous. She couldn't be admitted to the doctor until Xia Weibao was infected with AIDS.

Otherwise, Xia Weibao will definitely take precautions against her if she is seen, it will not be so easy to start after thinking about it!

"I... Miss Xia, I have been on the train for a day and a night, and I am so tired now, can I see a doctor tomorrow?"

Xia Weibao glanced at her pale face and stood up, "Okay, then you have a good rest first."

Turned upstairs and returned to the room.

The room is not monitored, so don’t worry about what you’re doing inside will be known.

Lying on the bed and rolling around, Xia Weibao took out his mobile phone and contained a bunch of messages from Lu Hualiang.

After browsing, it was all love words, which made her look sweet and shy.

With a ding sound, a reminder came from WeChat.

Lu Hualiang: Are you done?

Xia Weibao: Yes, I just brought the patient back. She said that she was tired today and will see the doctor tomorrow.

Lu Hualiang: Where are you now.

Xia Weibao: In the room.

Then, there was no response.

After waiting for five minutes without reply, Xia Weibao thought he was busy with something, so he took a set of pajamas and prepared to change his clothes and take a nap.

But I didn't want to just take off my shirt, and there was the sound of the window being opened behind me.

Before she turned her head, a hot body stuck up and hugged her from behind.

"Want to seduce me, eh?"

The man's warm breath, sprayed on her neck, itchy.

Xia Weibao rolled her eyes, and she didn't know what he was coming over to seduce.

A certain man's hand was already ready to move, Xia Weibao slapped it away, "Don't make trouble, what are you doing here."

She is playing, and she is not afraid of being caught.

"Come and see if I can help my husband."

Xia Weibao laughed, "Do you think I need your help with my medical skills?"

"That's not necessarily true, my wife, no matter how good your medical skills are, you still stay in ancient times. Many diseases in modern times are caused by viruses. You may not have seen them."

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