Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1729: 1808 Winner and loser 1

Breathing is getting faster and faster, there can be so many coincidences.

In case Xia Weibao discovered her and Jiang Li's strategy, she deliberately put the needle on her side.

The more I think about it, the more afraid Xia Yongxuan becomes.

Jiang Li was about to say no. Suddenly he thought of something, and said, "Xia Weibao asked me to come to her room and ask me if the wound has been treated, and then he came out, less than a minute."

The phone slipped and fell to the ground. Xia Yongxuan could no longer remain calm and ran out hurriedly.

Where can I take care of any competition? If she is infected with AIDS, then her life will be over!

When she came to the monitoring room, she adjusted the monitoring of the living room on her side, starting from the time the servant started cleaning.

The servant did press the sofa cushion, and it happened to be where she was sitting!

However, the servant was fine, but she was stabbed by a needle!

Continue to look down, there is nothing abnormal, except for her and the patient, no one appeared in the living room.

And no one has moved in her position.

Where did this needle come from? !

There must be something wrong, Xia Yongxuan is going crazy.

She ran out so arrogantly, and naturally shocked Xia Jinsong and the elders, who all came over.

"Yong Xuan, what's the matter!"

What a decent way someone who is yelling and screaming during the competition is running around!

Xia Yongxuan's tears came down, "Grandpa, I was stabbed by a needle."

Xia Xisong said with a sullen face, "What's all the fuss about the needle stick? Why don't you go back and try!"

The Xia family is a family of Chinese medicine, and no one has a few packs of silver needles. Acupuncture and moxibustion are commonplace.

Why is there so much squeamishness!

"No, it's not the same, grandpa." Xia Yongxuan shook her head, her face pale and terrifying.

Coupled with the tears, it looks a bit pitiful.

One of the elders looked distressed, "Lady Xuan, are you uncomfortable?"

Xia Yongxuan bit her lip and turned back to the villa in silence.

This matter, she has trouble telling.

If you tell these people that she suspects that there is HIV on the needle, wouldn't it explode everything!

Back in the room, he quickly called Xia Jingmin and asked him to find a way to arrange for someone to come in and take the needle for testing to see if there is really HIV on it.

After Xia Jingmin listened, if he was struck by lightning, he couldn't even care about being discovered.

He quickly arranged for someone to pretend to deliver medicine to Xia Yongxuan, and then took the needle out.

Two hours later, the result came out. There was indeed HIV virus on the needle tip!

Xia Yongxuan collapsed!

The whole figure fell to the ground as if being taken away from life.

The expression on his face was numb, and the sky fell... but that was all.

There really is HIV, and she was stabbed. Although it is still not possible to find out whether she was infected, it is almost a certainty.

It's over.

She is only in her twenties and her beautiful life has just begun.

She is the eldest of the Xia family, the best person in the younger generation of the Xia family. She has planned for so long to do a career and marry Summer.

As a result, there is nothing left.

Everything... is gone...

Xia Weibao, Xia Weibao must have harmed her!

Xia Yongxuan went crazy suddenly and rushed to the villa next door.

"Xia Weibao, come out, you hurt me!"

"Xia Weibao, you dare to hurt me, you must die!"

"If I die, I will drag you to bury you!"

What scheme, what image, what disguise is all meaningless, she just wants to catch Xia Weibao, the murderer, and seek justice for herself!

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