Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1730: Winner and loser 2

In the villa next door, Xia Weibao and Jiang Li are eating.

Xia Weibao was sitting in the main seat with his back straight, without the slightest intention of leaning back.

Looking at Jiang Li very nervous.

The needle is hidden behind the chair. If Xia Weibao doesn't lean back, he won't be able to stab him!

However, she could not urge.

Xia Weibao was enjoying the food, and occasionally glanced at Jiang Li from the corner of her eye.

Bringing her anxiety back to the bottom of her eyes, she continued to eat quietly.

There was a sudden noise outside the door, and then, I saw a woman with messy hair rushing in like a madman.

Seeing Xia Yongxuan, who always carried a shelf in the past, she had no image at this time, like a shrew, Xia Weibao raised her eyebrows.

"Eldest sister, are you looking for me."

The bright and moving smile greatly stimulated Xia Yongxuan.

I saw her hideous and hideous.

Walking too quickly, even one shoe was gone.

"Xia Weibao, you hurt me!"

As Xia Yongxuan said, she rushed forward fiercely, as if she was going to die with Xia Weibao! !

Jiang Li was frightened by Xia Yongxuan like this, and quickly hid in the kitchen.

Afraid to approach.

When Xia Yongxuan rushed to Xia Weibao's side, the empress's empress lifted her leg lightly, kicked Xia Yongxuan's belly with a bang, and kicked the person away.

She put her left hand on her right elbow, and her right hand flicked her nails lightly, "Elder sister, what are you doing."

A calm and calm, glamorous and beautiful.

A disgusting face, messy clothes.

The two extremes are in sharp contrast.

The hatred in Xia Yongxuan's eyes could no longer be controlled, and she stared at Xia Weibao, "Bitch, you dare to hurt me!"

"The eldest sister joked, it was you who rushed in like a mad dog and bit people, how could I harm you."

Xia Yongxuan was full of resentment and couldn't care about anything, "It's you! You put the AIDS-stained needle on my sofa! Xia Weibao, you are so vicious!"

"What AIDS!"

Xia Jinsong who just rushed over asked coldly.

Behind him were several elders.

AIDS is no trivial matter. The incident is such that someone might have AIDS. It is impossible to hide this incident.

Everyone came to the hall, Xia Jinsong was about to sit down on the sofa, Jiang Li was shocked and hurriedly shouted, "Can't sit!"

With this shout, everyone's eyes were placed on her.

With a deep questioning.

Jiang Li's legs softened and fell directly to the ground.

It's over.

Xia Weibao leaned against the wall with her arms around her chest, with a rascal smile on her face.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she really wanted to blow a whistle to celebrate.

"What's going on!" Xia Jinsong's majestic voice sounded.

Xia Yongxuan's face was as gray as death, she didn't say anything, she kept crying.

Xia Jingmin also secretly wiped tears from the side.

He most valued this daughter, but now, everything is gone.

White-haired people give black-haired people.

Seeing Xia Yongxuan not speaking, Xia Jinsong looked at Xia Weibao, who was hanging around, "You said."

Xia Weibao shrugged, "Grandpa, I don't know anything. Just now I was eating, the eldest sister ran in and said that I would harm her."

Xia Jinsong pointed at Jiang Li who was limp on the ground, "You said."

Jiang Li crawled on the ground, trembling not to raise her head.

She came from a small place, how can she ever see such a scene!

I was so scared.

"Say!" Xia Jinsong's crutches in his hand hit the ground hard.

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