Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1737: Go home alone

Xia Weibao woke up on the plane.

I opened my eyes in a daze, looking at the strange environment, almost thought I was kidnapped.

She turned over and sat up abruptly, not knowing which muscle was pulled, and she gasped in pain.

The loose silk nightdress slipped down, revealing his shoulders covered with hickeys.

She has white skin and the marks look very clear.

Xia Weibao cursed the sound beast secretly, and then looked at the surrounding environment.

Only then did I realize that this was on a private jet.

Looking around, there is no one in the lounge.

She got dressed and got up and went out.

Two beautiful waitresses in red stewardess costumes were guarded at the door. Seeing her coming out, they respectfully bent over to her, "Madam."

When I wake up, I can see the beautiful women, and they are so beautiful, the empress is in a good mood.

I wondered whether to ask Mr. Lu or Summer.

Although they are the same person, the two identities are not interoperable.

Both Lu Hualiang and Summer have private jets.

Xia Weibao stared at the two flight attendants for a while, and repeatedly confirmed that they were flight attendants from Lu Yuan's private jet, not Summer.

Then he asked with a smile, "What about Mr. Lu."

"Mr. Lu is still in China, he asked us to pick you up."

Xia Weibao knew it, and the CEO Lu they said should be Yang Li.

What about Lu Hualiang, didn't he go back with him?

After thinking for a while, she asked, "Who took me on the plane?"

"Is a foreign man."

The foreign man should be Lu Hualiang, he could not allow other men to hug her.

"What about others."

"Send the young lady on the plane, the gentleman got off, and did not follow."

Xia Weibao was a little bit lost, he didn't follow him back.

Why don't you come back together? I'm very disappointed.

"How long will we get off the plane?" Xia Weibao glanced at the darkness outside. It should be night.

I don't know how long Lu Hualiang had tossed her last night, when he stopped, and when he went to bed.

I just remembered that it seemed like it was dawn, and then he closed the automatic curtain and continued to do it.

Xia Weibao shook his head and threw out all the waste.

"Mrs. Hui, there is one hour left."

The stewardess answered politely.

Xia Weibao shrugged, and within an hour, after getting off the plane, call Lu Hualiang to ask.

"what time is it now."

"Imperial city time at 11:30 in the evening, young lady, dinner is ready, do you need to pass it up now."


At 11:30 in the evening, she hadn't eaten anything for a day and night.

Back to the lounge to wash up, then changed the clothes prepared by the stewardess in advance, and went out for dinner after packing.

It's boring to eat alone and you can't get online.

So she took a fashion magazine, read it while eating, and ate slowly.

After eating, I almost got off the plane.

At 12:30 in the morning, the plane landed on the apron of Luyuan.

I thought it was so late, everyone must have fallen asleep.

She also intends to secretly return to the room to rest after getting off the plane without disturbing other people.

But I didn't want to see "Lu Hualiang" waiting for her on the tarmac just after getting off the plane.

Xia Weibao was taken aback for a moment, why did he come back one step earlier than her?

It took two seconds to realize that this person should not be Lu Hualiang, but Yang Li.

But this face is too similar, exactly the same!

If it hadn't been for her to know that Lu Yuan was a fake, she wouldn't be able to recognize it at first glance.

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