Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1738: Zhou Yu hits Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer 1

Yang Li had received Lu Hualiang's order early, and Xia Weibao would arrive tonight and let him come to meet him.

Haggard Yang Li, seeing Xia Weibao was like seeing his mother!

Mrs. Young, you are finally back. If you don't come back, I will be played to death by that lunatic Lu Huashan.

It's so cruel!

Every day, I gave him poison and croton to send puffer fish porridge, and I found a pair of scissors and fruit knives in my bag more frequently than she found a lipstick!

His life is hard enough for not being killed!

Seeing Yang Liding Lu Hualiang's face, Xia Weibao really felt uncomfortable.

This is her husband's face, weird.

Yang Li almost knelt down excitedly and complained to Xia Weibao about how hard he had been during this time.

However, there are still many people around.

In the eyes of everyone in Lu Yuan, he is Lu Hualiang and Xia Weibao is his wife.

Even though he was so excited that he knelt down and called Xia Weibao a hundred fathers, his face was still calm and cold, like a moving ice sculpture.

Of course, when looking at Xia Weibao, he should show a gentle look at the right time.

He imitated Lu Hualiang's supposed look very well.

Xia Weibao dropped the goose bumps.

The two didn't speak much, Yang Li just asked if he was tired, Xia Weibao said he was tired, and then went back to the room.

Closing the door, Yang Li almost got a full face.

"Madam, you finally came back."

It was clearly Lu Hualiang's face, but Yang Li's expression and voice. Xia Weibao was very uncomfortable.

"Well, Special Assistant Yang, no one is there now, can you take this off first."

She pointed to her face.

Only then did Yang Li react and quickly walked into the bathroom and removed the disguise mask on his face.

Xia Weibao felt it was more pleasing to the eye.

"During this period, are you pretending to be President Lu?" She was curious about this.


"Not recognized?"

"No, I have been with Mr. Lu for decades and know everything about him well. Because the master has a dual identity, I often want to be his stand-in, and I have deliberately imitated the master's expression and subtle movements."

Xia Weibao raised his eyebrows, it seemed that Lu Hualiang really trusted Yang Li.

Otherwise, no one will be allowed to imitate himself. You must know that if Yang Li is distracted, it is easy to do what he wants to imitate his appearance.

"Mr. Lu, why didn't he come back." Xia Weibao asked.

Since Yang Li went to pick her up, it meant that Lu Hualiang had already notified this side.

"The master still has something to do with it. If he comes back rashly, it is easy to reveal his identity."

Summer rarely appeared in front of people, and this trip to the Xia family completely exposed himself.

How many people have been eyeing him, it is not easy to get away.

You must be foolproof and make sure that no one knows his whereabouts anymore to be able to restore Lu Hualiang's identity.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome to involve Lu Yuan.

Lu Huashan, they are all ordinary people, but they have no self-protection ability!

Lu Hualiang is so busy, it is impossible to protect everyone, there will always be negligence.

Xia Weibao was a little bit lost, "Then how long will it take him back?"

I thought that if the Xia family's affairs were resolved, they would be able to return to their previous life.

Unexpectedly, her matter was resolved, but he caused a lot of trouble.

"In a few days."

In the Xia family, Xia Weibao and Summer had a period, and many people knew about it.

So when Xia Weibao returned to China, there must be someone staring at her secretly, wanting to see if she would contact Summer.

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