Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1753: Why should I be a couple with him, I am a man!

Empress Empress laughed. In the harem before, what kind of woman has never been seen before, can you see through the essence at a glance.

She also moved in the direction of Xu Jiayang, her elbow touched Xu Jiayang's arm, "Xu Dao, is Leng Yan really dating Hu Yuedan."

She still couldn't take it anymore, and she saw too much rot. She thought she had met a couple in reality.

She didn't expect to think too much.

Xu Jiayang was silent for a while, "Their engagement date has been set, and there is still half a year."

"Huh?" Xia Weibao was surprised, "I'm still dating you for him!"

Xu Jiayang was irritated, "Why should I be a couple with him? You are crazy, I am a man!"

For fear of others hearing it, he deliberately lowered his voice, which sounded a bit gnashing his teeth.

Xia Weibao flattened her mouth and stopped talking.

Looking up, just saw the waiter come in with a glass of juice.

Xia Weibao raised her eyebrows, "Boss, come to the bar to drink juice, are you kidding me."

Leng Yan raised his head and glanced at her, "Yueyue is in poor health and can't drink."

Zhong Shixia glanced, and when she retracted her gaze, she and Xia Weibao met, and both shrugged.

Really considerate.

Xia Weibao greeted Zhong Shi and Xia Zhuang Xuejun to drink and play games together.

Came here tonight for fun.

Zhai En sat next to Xu Jiayang and didn't know what he was talking about.

Zhuang Xuejun didn't know how to guess boxing. Xia Weibao taught her to learn it in a while. Then the four were divided into two groups and had a great time.

Leng Yan looked itchy, but his girlfriend was here, and he was embarrassed to leave her behind.

I haven't seen him for more than five months. In fact, he also misses Xia Weibao a lot, and he doesn't know where she has been during this period of time, how well she's doing, and he wants to ask many things.

Seeing how he wanted to go and accompany her, Hu Yuedan said thoughtfully, "Brother Yan, you go and play too."

"how about you."

"I watch you play."

"Well, Xia Weibao and I haven't gotten together for a long time. Go and talk to her. Order what you want to eat."

After speaking, he got up and sat down to Xia Weibao.

Hu Yuedan was not familiar with the people here at first, and just made some unpleasant troubles. Now, as soon as Leng Yan left, no one paid any attention to her.

Sitting aside, alone.

"Oh, boss, won't you accompany the goddess?" Xia Weibao said jokingly.

Leng Yan smiled happily, "She is here too, and can't be lost, but you, where did you go to be happy during this time?"

"I went to play, I played a lot of places."

"Where did I go to play."

Xia Weibao casually talked about a few famous tourist attractions in the world. Seeing that she didn't want to say more, Leng Yan didn't ask, but guessed the boxer with her.

"If you cheated me Xingyao, I don't believe that you can be cheated by you if you play guessing!"

Xia Weibao laughed, "Then try!"

This kind of mobile game is modern, she has never seen it before.

Although it is the same as the current one, it is almost the same.

Thinking that when she was walking around the rivers and lakes, she never lost a punch on the wine table!

Could it be hard for her?

Leng Yan finally begged for mercy after three consecutive fines.

Xia Weibao patted her on the shoulder, like a look, fight her!

Leng Yan drank a little, shook his head, and saw Hu Yuedan sitting alone, looking at him with a little aggrieved gaze, his heart immediately softened.

This is the woman he will live a lifetime, and naturally hopes that she can integrate into his circle of friends.

So he lowered his voice, "Hey, what did you mean just now, why are you targeting Yueyue?"

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