Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1754: Empress is infinite!

Xia Weibao answered without thinking, "No, how can we target her? You think too much."

Leng Yan was displeased, "I also said that there was no target. She just wanted to take a picture. You can't come off the stage with one sentence."

Zhuang Xuejun pouted, "Mr. Leng, why don't you say that your girlfriend is your baby?"

She has already said very clearly that she can't take pictures, she has to take pictures, isn't it embarrassing.

"It's just a group photo. Is it that serious?"

The others stopped talking.

Leng Yan is in love, and they are not good at arranging other girlfriends.

Feelings are like people drinking water, knowing their warmth and coldness.

"Come on, continue to guess the box and drink." Zhong Shixia finished the round.

Too much hurt and kind.

They are all iron buddies who came from the trough, and there is no need to hurt such a small matter.

Yang Li waited until 12:30 in the morning, and did not wait until Xia Weibao came back.

Can't help but feel anxious.

If something happened to Xia Weibao, he wouldn't be responsible even if he had a hundred heads!

He wanted to send someone to follow, but Xia Weibao was an unruly master, so how could he bring a bodyguard.

And with her ability, she is also expected to protect the bodyguard with her bodyguard.

Seeing that it was coming soon, he really couldn't wait any longer, but the master had ordered that those who were optimistic about Xia Weibao during this time, Nanyi was in Huaxia!

So a call was made and asked when Xia Weibao would be back.

Xia Weibao checked the time, only to realize that it was too late.

I glanced at several people in the private room who were so drunk, and after speaking, I went back and hung up the phone.

Women are okay, they drink less.

The men are all very drunk.

Leng Yan had already begun to chant a poem against the light bulb while holding the wine bottle, the poem changed so that Li Bai's coffin lid could not be held down.

Hu Yuedan didn't drink, she came with Leng Yan again, and naturally she also sent Leng Yan back.

Zhong Shixia and Zhai En both had a drink, and Xia Weibao called a driver for them and sent them back.

Han Luoqi and Xu Jiayang are left. Seeing these two people sitting on the sofa rubbing their temples, they are probably too drunk to stand still.

Zhuang Xuejun didn't drink much, she wanted to drive, so she just took a sip, and was drinking tea behind.

Xia Weibao drank a lot, but she had a good drinker, so she wouldn't be afraid as long as she didn't check the car.

"Xuejun, do you know where Han Luoqi lives."

It's so late, I'm probably asleep, and it's hard to call Han Luoqi's agent over to pick up someone.

Zhuang Xuejun nodded, "I know."

"Then you can drive him back, I'll take Director Xu."

She knew Xu Jiayang's residence was still the same place before.

In fact, I'm quite puzzled. Now Xu Jiayang has become famous and can afford many good houses, but he hasn't changed, and he is still squeezed into the small house that was once a house.

I don't know why.

Zhuang Xuejun has no objection to such an arrangement.

She walked to Han Luoqi and said, "Can you go."

Han Luoqi made a no problem gesture and stood up.

But he didn't want to be top-heavy, and planted directly forward.

Zhuang Xuejun was standing in front of him, and a tall man pressed down, she was soft and weak, no matter where she was able to hold it, the two fell to the ground.

She acted as a cushion!

"Get up." Reached out and pushed, only to find that the man pressing on her was as drunk as a dead pig and couldn't move at all.

After a while, her face flushed, and she was almost out of breath!

Xia Weibao stepped up reluctantly, picked up Han Luoqi, and under Zhuang Xuejun’s horrified and admired gaze, he threw the man who was a meter eighty-eight on his shoulder and carried it out...

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