Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1773: Everlasting 1

Empress Empress frowned and her eyes fell on the closed study door.

He walked over and twisted the doorknob lightly.

The door was not locked and she could easily unscrew it.

Pushing open a slit, the thick smell of smoke came out, and he coughed violently.

Close the door as you step back.

When Lu Hualiang heard the movement, he quickly wiped out the cigarette in his hand and strode out.

After being entangled in smoke for so long in the study, there was a pungent smell of smoke on her body when she walked out.

To be honest, Xia Weibao was a little scared like this.

After all, every time he smokes, his mood is very bad.

And once his mood is extremely bad, he will easily lose control of his emotions and will make her...

Thinking of her previous experience, she turned pale and couldn't help taking a step back, looking at him in horror.

This look was like a needle piercing Lu Hualiang's heart.

He used to be such a **** to scare people like this!

"My wife, don't be afraid, I haven't lost control."

Xia Weibao opened her mouth and said, "You smell so strong."

Lu Hualiang cursed and walked directly into the bathroom to take a shower.

I washed away the smell of smoke from my body and changed into a clean nightgown before coming out.

Xia Weibao sat on the sofa, feeling lost.

The body seemed to be entangled with lingering loneliness.

What is she thinking?

Lu Hualiang was a little nervous, for fear that she would think of something she shouldn't.

The action of wiping his hair paused for two seconds, and walked towards the sofa.

"Wife, what do you think."

Xia Weibao returned to his senses, and the man had already sat down beside her.

She took the towel in his hand and wiped his hair skillfully.

"Nothing, why did you smoke again just now?"

Lu Hua ticked the corner of his mouth, "Smoke afterwards."

Xia Weibao couldn't react at first, what did the smoke mean afterwards?

After being stunned for two seconds, his complexion turned red, and he gave him an annoyed look.

"I haven't seen people smoking all over the room afterwards."

The woman who has just been moisturized has amorous feelings between her eyebrows and her eyes, her eyes are anger and resentment, and she inadvertently glares like a rose after the rain.

Seeing that Lu Hualiang's mind was a little unstable.

If it weren't for her body, she would be overwhelmed, and I might want to press her for another one!

He calmed his mind, and then made an excuse, "It's not a big deal to have some trouble at work."

Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Xia Weibao didn't ask.

She is also upset now, somewhat taciturn.

Lu Hualiang couldn't help thinking, what was she thinking again when she lost her mind?

I really want to know what she thinks every moment, if she is thinking of him.

I'm afraid she misses other people, especially that man.

He put his arm around her waist and carried the person into her arms, "Wife, are you hungry?"

He didn't mention it, but Xia Weibao felt his stomach growl.

She came back after having dinner at noon, messed around all afternoon, and slept again. Now it is nine o'clock in the evening, can you not be hungry.

His eyes were a little bit resentful, "hungry."

It is not because of him that consumes so much.

Lu Hualiang chuckled and kissed her sideways, "Go, let's go out to eat."

"It's fine to eat at home, you don't need to take a trip."

"Go out to eat. After eating, you can go for a walk along the river." By the way, make an appointment for a short meeting.

Create more good memories that belong to them, making it hard for her to give up.

Xia Weibao raised his eyebrows, which made sense. They hadn't dated for a long time.

Just relax.

The two changed their clothes and went out. As soon as they left Lu Yuan, they felt someone staring at them behind them.

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